Heart of the Sea

Feeling the need to put up a new header for the end of the summer season.  Already see the sun lower in the sky, shorter nights, dryer ones.  It is a gentle season before the crispness of fall, even in the south.   I took this photo two years ago in the Bahamas on Port Lucaya.    My honey and I were walking back to the hotel and of course, I was dragging my feet through the clear waters looking for any excuse to not have to leave shore.  Sun was nearly down and bright white light was shining across the length of the sandy beach edge when I came across this moon jelly laying in shallow waters. 

 I love the play of light from the sun through through the water giving the moon jelly the look of a transparent heart with a flash of white living light.

Life, it is beautiful.  Sea Witch  

Vangie Dowling Video

Greetings!  It’s Vangie here with another Design Team Video.

This week I worked with the 7gypsies Library Drawer. Look for this to be restocked in a couple of weeks. This item is HOT HOT HOT!  Let Scott know if you want him to hold you one when they arrive Scott@bluemoonscrapbooking.com.

I had a request from Becky H. to create something Shabby Chic. Thanks Becky! We aim to please!
This project is created to work as a card holder. I used the 12 file cards that came with the 7gypsies Library Drawer to remind me of upcoming birthdays. This way I can use the project for years to come.

The collection I used is Jubilee from K & Company.

What an AWESOME collection! I may buy some extra and hoard it! YIKES!!!
I also used the 7gypsies Mini Notebooks Ecriture and Orchestra to create an address book. So much fun!

I hope you enjoyed this project.
Until next time,

My Minds Eye Lost and Found Video

Our My Minds Eye Lost and Found Scrapbooking Product Video.
There are some real finds in this collection.

Julie Tucker-Wolek

Julie Tucker-Wolek is starting our week off with a bang show casing with her 7gypsies Receipt Holder and it's a beauty!

Nothing like some Prima Marketing flowers with 7gypsies.  A true gypsy loves flowers and ones with crystal glitter are best!

Tomorrow, we'll see Vangie Dowling's artwork/Video!

Hello Myspace Graphics Hi Pictures

Free Hello Glitter Graphics for MySpace, Hi5, Orkut. Say hello Comments in style with our super cool and bright greeting glitters. Whatever your mood and message. Hello Comments and Hi Graphics for MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, Tagged, Blogger, Fubar, Hi5, Orkut, Piczo Facebook Bebo, Piczo and Fubar hi comments.

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A little chaos and a lot of joy.

It has been a crazy last week to say the least.  Two days spent in the ER for a nasty asthma attack and this mermaid felt truly like a fish out of water.    Behind in posts, feeling like a ran a marathon but without air, and hopped up on enough steroids to power Chicago I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls.  But, I finally got some photos up of my costumes for my 5-cheese ravioli. She had requested a musketeer princess dress and fighting outfit as well as an Eloise at the Plaza dress.

Picture of princess musketeer dress.

Princess dress converted to musketeer dress with fancy hat and sword.  She takes her role as a musketeer so seriously.

The back of the outfit with her long, white plume on a golden hat as she requested.

Eloise at the plaza dress. This was a fun outfit to create.  Truly a dress that a little princess would want to wear, full of sparkles and glitz.  She wears it and twirls and twirls in it.

 Back of the dress with big, Eloise bow. 

My little Eloise princess at the plaza.

The twins, how adorable are these marvelous little faces.  I'm making them Pebbles and Bamm Bamm costumes for Halloween

Added a few more items to my Victorian booth.  Pleased that it is well received and items are selling.  Met my friend,  Becky, at the Queen and she brought me a small gift in her words.  It was nothing small at all.  She says she paints a little.  What she paints is her heart and she took the tiny photo of Kota off my blog and painted his face for me.  Such  beauty and delight in her work and when I saw this lovely gift the tears came to my eyes.  Kota is such a part of my heart and to see his wonderful eyes and sweet face captured so beautifully made this week of insanity whole again.

Thank you Becky, my dear friend for so a heart felt gift.  It means the word to me.
So everyone, go, have a wonderful week and  blessings to you and all those you love.  Sea Witch

BlueMoon Newsletter

Wow - huge boxes arrived every day this week, moving around became slow, but it's all fabulous New CHA products.  Take a look at the week.

Maya Road
The Maya Road Doilies are a blast, New Resin Flowers for misting, and the New Ribbon....oh my!  Maya Road ribbon is a must have for your shopping cart.

Here I was playing around with Maya Road envelopes, Vintaj Natural Brass Decorivet and 7gypsies Conservatory Paper.

The new Maya Road Resin Blossoms are beautiful.

Prima Flowers
Prima Flowers arrived and what a selection.  Come on, when you reach out to finish a layout or project and you have to have Prima Flowers.  New clear stamps from Prima, Say it in Crystals Bling, Papers, and the Prima Masks are outstanding.

Prima Ribbon lots of choices!

Tattered Angels
Six new Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists.  These are the limited edition 2010 winter colors!  And the Glam and Glaze is on the shelves and ready to go - give the new Tattered Angels Paints a try!

Smooch Spritz Sprays
You'll want to add these fabulous Smooch Spritz colors in your cart, great coverage and these are the Donna Salazar signature colors!

Design Team News
Starting Monday we will be combining the Design Team blog with this blog. You will see all the Design Team layouts and inspiring projects right here!

Join us as a follower of the BlueBlog or our BlueMoonScrapbooking FaceBook page for up to the moment arrivals. If you would like to see our videos as soon as we publish them, subscribe to BlueMoon onYouTube. For daily inspiration visit the BlueMoon Design Team Blog.
Sign up for this BlueMoon Newsletter.


Since Tattered Angels is sooooooo hot, hot, hot, lets do a Tattered Angels giveaway.  
A Tattered Angels bag, window decal, Glimmer Mist dragonfly, Keys and some Glimmer chips!   Scott received this kit at CHA and it screams Tattered Angels with the beautiful teal!

To win just be a blog follower and I'll pick a random winner on Friday!

The winner must notify us within 3 weeks that they have won.  
Free shipping to US residents only.

"We get back whatever that don't belong to you....," Repo Men

You owe people debts...

They come for you to get back what you owe them...

The thing is, they do not want your money, your car, your house....They come after for your ORGANS~

The price list.....

This is what a repo men do in this movie. They go for people who owe them ORGANS~~~and get back the organ from them. This movie starring Jude Law (A hot and sexy actor that I dont feel he is that hot and sexy as they said.), Forest Whitaker (Love his act in Vantage Point which is one of my favourite movie!!!), Alice Braga and Liev Schreiber (Bros of Wolverine, Sabretooth~).

In this movie, Jude Law and Forest Whitaker is the repo men that collect organ from those people who didn't pay their "Organ's debt"...which is ald overdue. What they do is, they collect the artificial organ which is known as artiforg in this movie. From eyes to liver...you name it, they have it!!! (Any order???)

Jude Law not Dr.Watson in Repo Men, he just cut the "patient" and go, ya...cut, collect and go!

As a procedure, they will ask you whether you would like to call the ambulance or whatever, but before you manage to answer them or, most probably you're ald pass out after they shoot you with the stun gun, they ald started their jobs....using a not-so-pro doctor surgery method, straight away cut through your body and get the artificial organs from you. (Nope, don't expect they help you to seal the wound, they are repo men, not a doctor.)

However, in a case, Jude Law got into an accident.....a bad one.

Jude Law got stunned away by a....device.

This damaged his heart...and a russian doctor help him to put in a pacemaker and generator as his heart and he become Iron Man. No, I was just kidding. (Robert Downey jr take the role of Iron man, so Jude Law have to take the role in Repo Men.) Somehow, he has become one of the client of the artificial organs...he got himself an artificial heart.

Well, I guess you know what happen next...he can't pay the debt and due date is coming closer....

Jude Law talking to his boss. The Sabretooth...

He has to work more to pay his debt but he found out that he can't do that anymore...because everytime he went to collect the organs, he think of the victim have a family and kids as he did. Because he is the same with them, with an artificial organ in the body.

When the due date come, his best friend Forest whitaker is the one to collect his organ and he found out that the accident is not an accident but it is done by his best friend just because he didn't want Jude Law to quit his job. They fight on, Jude Law and another girl (Alice Braga) decide to go to the headquaters to destroy all the infomation and account so that no one would have suffer from the debt thingy. When Jude Law think that everything going well and he destroyed all the account and got to be with his girl , where his best friend (Forest Whitaker) help him in the end, he feel like something wrong....and a disaster happen to him in the end. It was all just a sweet dreams as Jude Law actually knocked out by his best friend during an early fight and Forest Whitaker get Jude Law a artificial neuro system which allowed human to live in a sweet dreams instead of dying.

How pathetic it is. Btw, I forgot to tell that this movie is kinda very bloody...they way they slice each other. Blood here and there. I feel so bad about the ending. I mean, I understood why Leonardo DiCarpio dropped out for the role of Jude Law in this movie (There will be too much if Leo starring in movie like Shutter Island, Inception and...only if, Repo Men as well). The same concept is using...almost. I can't say it is a very good movie but it is okay to watch. Not too boring but not too impressive.

But I love the tagline they having for this movie,

So now, you can drink as many as you want!!!

600,000 for one liver....interesting getting one? Make sure you have enough money or else your artificial organ end up being "robbed" by the repo men on the due date. I think among the artificial organ I would like to have that Opticol eye, something like that....it can switch the color of your eyes. But I don't think I can paid the debt though.

Remember, you owe your family, you owe yourself, just sign the dotted line....

(PS : Look like repo men job is kinda high paid...but maybe someday the repo men will turn out to be one of the artiforg's client.)

Cosmo Cricket Togetherness Video

Our Cosmo Cricket Togetherness Video

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