Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival- Summer Kick Off Edition
I am so very honored to be the host for this edition. Please accept my sincere apologies for this late edition. But better late than never, right? At least that's what I keep telling myself(and almost everyone else now that I have four kids!) God bless families like the Duggar's. How do they ever get anywhere on time I wonder? That being said, please take your time enjoying the offerings of this carnival. You're sure to find something great to fill your summer days. And just like great scenery is part of any great summer trip, please enjoy the great eye candy I have posted along the way for you...

GrrlScientist presents How Will You Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day? posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "A list of things you can do to help birds and other native wildlife, from small day-to-day changes to becoming a citizen activist."
Denise presents 20 Best Math Games and Puzzles posted at Let's Play Math!, saying, "Take a break from textbook math and enjoy yourself. I like to use games as a warm-up at Math Club meetings. My students love puzzles and will work much harder at such a challenge than they ever would do on a textbooky worksheet. Try your hand at a few of these, and let me know what you think."

Nikki Olivier presents We play and learn a little more every day. posted at Our Journey in Him, saying, "We're a South African family living and learning together-these are some of the things which keep us busy during the day."
Nikki Olivier presents A Nature Walk in Winter. posted at Our Journey in Him, saying, "This is how we have combined living books and nature study on a recent Nature Walk."
Nadene presents Paper Dolls of Ancient History « Practical Pages posted at PracticalPages, saying, "Children will enjoy colouring in, cutting out and playing with these historical paper dolls. They are excellent for hands-on narrations, dramatizations and plays for History."

Tracy Beach presents New Teacher Downloadable: Give Parents Ideas to Avoid the “Summer Slide” posted at Math Learning, Fun & Education Blog : Dreambox Learning.
Angie in GA presents Weekly Wrap Up « TheOneThing posted at TheOneThing, saying, "Here is a link to my weekly Up date post I thought it might be helpful or inspiring to see how a HS family does it week to week"
Angie in GA presents Life Never Stops therefore Habit Training Shouldn?t Either posted at Habits for a Happy Home.
presents Printable Fathers Day Cards posted at Home Life Weekly, saying, "A great art project make your own printable Fathers Day cards is really easy."
Nadene presents Sniff and find your baby! posted at PracticalPages, saying, "Fun activity for Science, using all our senses to learn."
OurBlogs presents Summer Plans, Again posted at A Guide to Raising Great Kids.
Though these last three are not from the homeschool community, I decided to include them. One gives us a summer perspective from a family with five kids who are facing the summer together without school as a buffer and the other two are resources you may find helpful this to supplement your summer learning.
Tracy Beach presents Use DreamBox Learning K-3 Math Free in Summer School Classes! posted at Math Learning, Fun & Education Blog : Dreambox Learning.
Kevin Poulis presents DiscipleLand.com – Discipleship Curriculum for Kids posted at SiteTally.com.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
hands on homeschool blog carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
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