Grammy's outakes : Bon Jovi= Beyonce?
Well, sorry for "temporary abandoned" RIH!! for such a long time and didn't updates much on this blog.....(It's getting busy and busy.....syyyyyyyy)
We all knows grammy just INVADE the earth few days ago or weeks......Yup, I will try have a overview on it soon. So just some outakes of the awards show.
Bon Jovi= Beyonce....???
This is a new equation formular from our lovely one Justin Bieber....(extending version of common denominator?)

When he was introducing for the fans to vote for Bon Jovi choice of song to be performed in the Grammy, he mis-said that Bon Jovi as Beyonce!? Of course, he quickly ''correct'' the speech and say that he's a big fans of Beyonce and something like she always in his mind....(he just trying to explain it....He must got sooooo scared that introducing one of the greatest band on earth as beyonce..)
Well, we all know that Justin might be too nervous since his first time attend for grammy.

"We're planning on acoustic's slow rock version of "single ladies"...." by Bon Jovi.
And of course I don't think bon jovi mind this happening since they're understanding how it is feel when you're new artist and they're really experienced right now. I guess Beyonce is the happiest person, she always got involved with this kind of thing. Last time is Kanye "stands on her side" against Taylor Swift and now this Bon Jovi = Beyonce thingy.....
But this year Grammys is really heavyweight!!! This rocks!!!(PS : Congrats on Keith winning on best country male vocal performance)