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It's chaos, I tell you, chaos.

Can you believe it???
That Thanksgiving is 27 days away and that Christmas follows 31 days after that. I have two Holiday Open Houses during the week of November 19th and my living room looks like a Christmas warehouse that threw up in it. Vintage and holiday items are strewn everywhere. It's a good thing my honey is up at deer camp hunting with his friends or I may have lost him among the garland and snowmen.

It always amazes me how a room full of "stuff" can come together in a booth. Just last week, I was stepping over harvest items and yet, it all pulled together as shown in this pic of a 1930's play pen repurposed as a buffet by laying an old shutter (also from the 1930s) on top of it.

So, as if I don't have enough to do, I stop in the middle of all of this to put together a new header for my blog. This shot is of a Spotted Moray Eel who was nested next to a huge spiney sea urchin. Those are the large, knitting needle size spines you see next to him. These creatures are as beautiful as they are frightening looking. As long as this is a mixed bag of blog conversation, why not close with a pic of me at work today. I knew it was going to be nutz here as it is on every Friday, so why not wear a "little" mask to break the hectic pace.
Have a safe and fun Halloween if you celebrate and for for those of us who are under Daylight Savings time, remember to roll back your clocks this weekend. Sea Witch

Bon Jovi The Circle Tracklist preview

After listening at the snippet and the leaked on youtube...i wanna make some preview on it. Since what on youtube is ald removed.....so fast....

I think John Shanks is better producing a country album like what he collaborate with keith is really awesome. But back to a rock album, it s still a rock album but slightly softer than Have a nice day album and bounce.

Overall it is still a okay album, maybe times is required for me to get the album and listen it a few times.

I just describe it track by track randomly....

Superman tonight-a very common song...not a hits, i'm not really in this song, but i'm really love the lyrics.

Thorn in my side-well actually this song is slightly better than superman tonight...i can listen to a little bon jovi in it. Okay okay....

Happy now-i like this song. I hope i can listen this song live in a stadium. And this song can be a nice song when driving....some sort like my heart is open by keith urban, but this a little more rock.

Bullet-(highly recommended) This is BON JOVI!!! I think this is more like Complicated BJ previous song....

When we were beautiful-Bj documentary song...haha, very very soft....and slow...i think this is very different from what they had before. Em...not that into this song either.

Live before you die-I still can feel a little country feeling in bon jovi song, don't know why...i thought this song is going to be really like it's my life or what but it's not. It's more like Joey but slightly better...

Brokenpromiseland-i love this song opening...some of them say it sound like coldplay...=='' i don't think so but this song definately can be a football game theme song. I think this song is quite good. I will listen to this song.

Love's the only rule-i think this song is okay too...i think this album is very different from the previous bon jovi rock album...i miss Desmond Child...pls come back and work at least one song with them...it's like very relaxing for this album....

Fast cars-i thought this is a keith urban song...haha. With coldplay style of music....in the background. Never thought bon jovi will into this kinda song too...this song..i will listen to it too.

Learn to love-this is the slow and soft song representative in this album...no comment....

Work for the working man-it is so obvious that it sound so much better after record it in the album compared to the origin accoustic version. This is a cool song, highly recommended song too. But i'm expecting more hard rock in this song fron bon jovi but this version is ald satisfy me but with more hard rock it will impress me...

We weren't born to follow-this is a hits, a game final fantasy theme song, MLB and american football promo song...what else do you expect??? This is a very commersial song, i guess you can hear it from maybe other commersial in upcoming days...haha.

Overall, i love all the lyrics of all the song....but not loving all of the song...em, should i aiming for keith urban album or just buy this album. I'm so confusing again. Let's the time decide!!!

I can say this is very different album compared to the past....Can i be ''happy now''???

Sky blue pink.

When I was a little girl, my mother used to tell my sisters and I that her favorite color was “skyblue-pink.” My love affair with a box of Crayolo 64 crayons (with sharpener on the box), as a child, told me that skyblue-pink wasn’t a color. But mom would say that if I would watch the sky, God would provide that color magically before my eyes.

Mom was always right and I was witness to skyblue-pink in the sky many times throughout my life.

My honey and I had just checked into our room at a hotel in Conway, New Hampshire for the evening. We had spent a marvelous day driving and walking all over the White Mountains. The leaves were turning and the air was cool and crisp…typical of fall in New England. I had stepped outside to get my knitting from the car when the color, skyblue-pink was painted across the early evening sky. Smiling, I thanked Mom and our Creator for giving me this amazing canvas and I watched until the sun had set as the colors intensified and then bled together into a dusky blue.

Such majesty in the world and all given to us so freely. Sea Witch

White Shell Wednesday or a dress fit for a

Sea Captain's daughter, a mermaid or perhaps even a Sea Witch!

Part of the exhibit of "ladies" items at the Maritime Museum in Salem, MA. This sea shell encrusted dress looks like an offering straight from Project Runway and their found objects challenge. This seemingly size 14 beauty is encrusted with cowries, periwinkles and tiny clam shells all resembling bead work. I especially like the use of row after row of cowrie shells on the sleeves giving it the illusion of ruched silk. This really is the ultimate Sailor's Valentine and I can share that this "Sea Witch" was dying to try this on no matter what the weight of this dress felt like.

Have a lovely White Wednesday and just a reminder that we turn our clocks back this Sunday, November 1st.

Sweet Baxter has crossed over.

Baxter the Therapy Dog, a San-Diego-area Chow/Lab mix who spent years providing care and comfort to humans at the end of life, died last Friday at the age of 19. After a puppyhood of abuse, Baxter grew up to become a certified therapy dog and enjoyed fame and fans worldwide for his years of volunteer work at San Diego Hospice, where he spent time cuddling, licking faces, and providing smiles for people in hospice care.

You may want to silence the music playing by going to the bottom of this blog page and clicking the playist off so you can hear the video of Baxter

He even became the subject of an award-winning book: "Moments with Baxter: Comfort and Love From the World's Best Therapy Dog." Many of those who knew Baxter believe that it was his own ailments that made him such a powerful companion to hospice patients. The arthritis that plagued him during the latter half of his life left him unable to walk. His owner, Melissa Joseph, helped him carry out his duties at the hospice by pulling him around in a cart and carrying him to patients' beds. (article found at PawNation and written by Rose Martelli)

And one more wonderful story about the love animals give us so freely. This is from my good friend "Whimsical Chick," you can visit her blog at: http://awhimsicalchick.blogspot.com/

The Doberman is pregnant. The fireman had just saved her from a fire in her house,rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, then he continued to fight the fire. When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest. A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina News- paper, noticed the dog in the distance looking at the fireman. He saw the Doberman walking straight toward the fire fighter and wondered what she was going to do. As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had just saved her life and the lives of her unborn babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.

Such sweetness from God's creatures. St. Francis reminds us "Not to hurt our humble brethren [the animals] is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it."

May we all be kind to each other and freely assist those who are in need. Sea Witch

Baby Update- Seven Months- 30 weeks down 10 to go!

Nine months is surely a long time. It will all be worth it in the end, but right now I am really wishing that human gestation lasted 30 weeks instead of 40. At night, I try to sleep on my side, but after an hour or so the hip and leg on the bottom get sore from the pressure. So I roll over and it takes another hour or so until the other side is sore. So it goes all night long. I try to sleep on my back propped up with pillows which helps, but then I slide down in my sleep and supposedly sleeping on your back is not so good for the baby because of the pressure it puts on the uterus. Oh, I cannot wait until I can sleep on my stomach again!

On the brighter side, baby is almost always moving. It can be seen through my shirt now. I can't imagine there are any more cannonball dives going on at this point, but I am asking myself when does this child sleep? Music continues to be a major inducer of movement, as are my quiet times of drawing or reading out loud to the boys during school. I really can't wait to meet her.

I know that these next weeks really will fly by, but here in this moment I am wishing I could give that bird a little caffeine to speed him up just a bit!

On a completely different note, don't forget to send in your post for the next Gallery Blog Carnival. Just click on the paintbrushes and you can submit your article from there.

Bon Jovi The Circle

Bon Jovi New album-walking in the tunnel (just kidding...)...is The Circle.

Finally the date is officially announced. What date? The date of the album, of the greatest band ever on earth Bon Jovi, album the Circle is going to released worldwide on 10th of november........(it say worldwide but i'm just wondering will Malaysia be another ''special'' case and don't know how many weeks or months later then i just can get it)

Bon Jovi with shades....COOL!!! Richie is getting better and better....

Another thing is The circle world tour list is annouced too. Bon Jovi gonna make it really huge this time. Opening in two greatest stadium New Meadowlands Stadium and london O2 stadium (not shah alam or bukit jalil stadium...T_T...)...They going to perform the opening of New Meadowlands stadium. Cool!!! But the asia tour list haven't be revealed yet.....PLS come to Malaysia!!!!

Never saw this picture before...they all looks great.

But even that they really come to Malaysia...i don't think i can afford to buy their concert ticket, so don't come....sigh either they come or didn't come will make me fainted too.....I think if i really get chance to their concert maybe that i'll broke down before i get to the concert, haha....too excited. But for sure i'll skip anything or class to attend their concert....it will be better if keith urban is the opening act haha. Then i'll straight went to ''heaven'' after the concert.

And!!! Besides catching up with Downey movie...i never know that bon jovi make a movie too....actually it is a Documentary!!! I wanna watch...at cinema on 24th of October. I'll guess AGAIN it is not showing in Malaysia. At least give me the poster is enough.

I'm having a lot of things to spend my money on right now....It's a big problem.

House of the Seven Gables

Two of my favorite books are House of the Seven Gables and The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of America's greatest authors. (on a personal note, I believe The Scarlett Letter to be one of the great reads of literature offered to humanity. If we are honest, we can find a piece of ourselves in all of the main characters both good and bad, and hopefully have pulled lessons from them as well.) Having the opportunity to visit the Hawthorne's birthplace and the actual House of the Seven Gables was a real treat for me.
Nathaniel Hathorne, born in 1804 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts later changed his name to "Hawthorne", adding a "w" to dissociate from relatives including John Hathorne, a judge during the Salem Witch Trials. His writings center around New England and many works features moral allegories with Puritan inspiration. His fiction works are considered part of the dark romantic movement and his themes often center on the inherent evil and sin of humanity, and usually have a moral message.

Statue of Nathaniel Hawthorne in Salem Square.

Entrance to the House of the Seven Gables or as it is known in Salem, The Turner-Ingersoll Mansion. From the year 1668 up until the present day, the House of the Seven Gables has been one of the most famous structures in America.
"Half-way down a by street of one of our New England towns, stands a rusty wooden house with seven acutely peaked gables facing toward various points of the compass, and a huge, clustered chimney in the midst." Hawthorne’s opening sentence to his novel The House of the Seven Gables manifests his fascination with the Turner-Ingersoll mansion.
The mansion built by Captain John Turner stood out on the Salem seacoast as a symbol of wealth, but also a construction that produced awe and wonder. Turner’s mansion was an object of interest for Captain Ingersoll, who years later bought the house. Captain Ingersoll capitalized on the house’s waterfront location, where he conducted his trade during the Age of Sail.
The history of the House of the Seven Gables is incredible. It only stands now due to one woman and her vision; Salem philanthropist Caroline Emmerton. She purchased the building, which, at that time, had only three gables, and hired Joseph Everett Chandler, a preservation architect, to restore it and interpret Hawthorne’s novel inside its rooms. In fact, the house only had three gables when Nathaniel Hawthorne knew it; the recollection of seven gables he immortalized came from his cousin’s youthful memories. This room is the only photo we could take indoors and is of the Settlement House (one room) that Caroline Emmerton built to "help new immigrants settle into American life."

The back door of the Turner-Ingersoll house is beautifully reproduced from the original door and is constructed in the "Batten" setup. (a small piece of the original door can be seen in the attic of the home).

The Batten door on the outside is decorated with scribe marks in a diamond pattern and tacks.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a relative of the Ingersoll family and kept in contact with his cousin Susanna. From his visits to see Susanna, Hawthorne was also awestruck by the mansion and became inspired to write a novel based on the house.

Even this tree takes on a haunting look with the grey sky on this damp, wet morning.

The House has taken on some characteristics that are described in Hawthorne’s book. The secret stairwell that is mentioned in The House of the Seven Gables was an addition to the house in the early 1900s. The tour of the house will allow you to climb the hidden staircase behind the fireplace, but the trip up is not recommended for people known to be claustrophobic.
Another renovation was made to the house to make it more compatible to the house that Hawthorne depicts, is the shop that is opened by Hepzibah Pyncheon in The House of the Seven Gables. Hepzibah is forced from poverty to open up a small store, even at her old age. She was once a highly dignified person, who is now relegated to selling things out of her house to support herself.
The character of Hepzibah strikingly resembles another Hawthorne character, Hester Pryne of The Scarlet Letter. Hester was also at a loss for dignity because of her adultery and resorted to selling her embroidery work out of her house as a means to support herself and her young child.
Illustrated as looming, dark and mysterious in the novel, the house nonetheless has light, even romantic features. Its period gardens are charming, and the granite seawall running along the property provides a perfect perch to look over a calm, blue ocean that is filled with historical ships of different sizes.

The Counting House built in 1830 is typical of the small buildings in which sea captains completed much of their business. This was a place to balance accounts, pay fees due, and figure profit before or after a sea journey. It is believed that Hawthorne first developed the idea for the Scarlett Letter while in the counting house.

Lovely view from the counting house. This is a sea captain's view and certainly an artist's view as well. Just looking out the window on the cold rainy day invoked inspiration. The muses were about when I looked out the window; how they must have teased Hawthorne as his most notable works were all borne from this location.

Rolling hills of green? Look closely and you will see that this is moss.

This rich, thick moss with its bright green color was growing on the north face of the roof. Loved the color as it stood out so brightly from the dark colonial paint of the clapboards.

Hawthorne's birth and childhood home. Much smaller then the Turner-Ingersoll home, but just as lovely inside. I adore this architectural period and could easily live in any of these lovely old homes found in Salem.

Old fashioned gate closure. Chain and a weighted ball. When you open the gate to leave, no need to close it as the weight of the lead ball will close it for you. This was a lovely visit to this historical home. I wish I could have taken interior photos, but you will have to take a visit yourself one day. I hope to return again when the weather is better and see what the grounds look like with sunlight. I'm sure it is just as lovely. I have lots of photos from this New England trip and hope to post several from my visit to the Maritime Museum not far from this home. It was fabulous. Have a lovely weekend. Sea Witch

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