Rally for Sanity: Smugfest 2010 !

Americans For Prosperity creates a video classic:

AFP - more than once the subject of Barack Obama's Two Minute Hate ritual - deserve our support. You can contribute here...

UPDATE: Moe Lane comments:

1.Not even close to all Democrats are twerps, but every single twerp in this video is a Democrat.
2.Said twerps hate you, and want you to die in a fire.
3.If you vote on Tuesday, they’ll hate you even more.

Obama defeated by "church, football and Halloween"

Well, that's the excuse, at least. For what the New York Times describes as a "thin crowd" at a rally in Cleveland:

CLEVELAND — President Obama wrapped up a weekend of last-minute campaigning in Ohio on Sunday, addressing Democrats in an indoor arena that, in a sign of the “enthusiasm gap” that the president is working so hard to close, was little more than half full.

About 8,000 people attended the Democratic National Committee’s Moving America Forward’ rally at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center, a hall where the capacity is 13,000. The rafters were largely empty.

...the thin crowd was perhaps a foreboding sign in the waning days of the midterm races...

I'm surprised Obama did not put a moratorium on church ("the opiate of the masses"), football (calling refs "zebras" is racist) and Halloween ("That's Christine O'Donnell's holiday!") to force a larger turnout for his rally.

Second day in a row we've seen
awful thin crowds for one-time Democratic superstars...and the second day in a row we've felt the need to use a Spinal Tap analogy..."Hello Cleveland!", indeed:

New Header for November

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  The weather was superb here in the south with lovely fall days, crisp blue skies and the sounds of leaves swirling in little dust devil tornadoes on the street payment. My windows are open wide with lots of fresh air coming in.  As dusk slowly closes in on the day, it gets, as my husband likes to say, "a little nipply outside" and that means warm throws on the feet at night and the toasty comforter on the bed for sleeping.  Getting ready for trick or treaters as well.  Got the urge to change out my header and am jonesing for when I will be back in water (last week of December) and remembered the photo I took of my son's first tropical dive. 

He had just certified in the cold waters of the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina and my fiance (now husband) and I thought he might enjoy a quick trip to the Bahamas to dive with us.  He was game and we all met at the Freeport Airport in the Bahamas and once settled into our rooms, we hit the waters.  The dive location was in Port Lucaya and was called "The Aquarium" as it was a shallow dive of about 35-40 feet and would have lots of fish/coral life.  Well it did not disappoint and I watched as my son was engulfed with brilliant Sargent Majors and Yellow Tails.  He was hard to find at times and was enjoying this first tropical dive with all of its colorful fish and corals.

So I cropped the photo and thought it made a nice header for my blog.  It makes me smile to see another family member get certified and enjoy the sport as much as my husband and I do.  We now have most of our family members certified and it is always a joy when all of us dive together.  On a "crowing note", I submitted this photo to the Atlanta Journal/Constitution newspaper the following spring when they held their photo contest for things you did over the summer.  I won an Honorable Mention in the category (animals).  I was quite honored and pleased that I made honorable mention as over 5,000 photos were submitted and this was my first submission.   I guess the judges saw the same joy in the photo that I did.   Have a wonderful week all.  Sea Witch

BlueMoon Newsletter

Happy Halloween!
We have some fabulous new goodies this week!
Bo Bunny
With a crisp fall chill in the air add Bo Bunny Midnight Frost to capture your memories.

Glitz Designs
Oh my... lots of fabulous color with the new Glitz Designs 2010 Winter designs.
If you want to push your creative boundaries grab some Hoopla and give it a shot.

Glitz Scarlett

Glitz Love Nest

Glitz Hoopla

Jenni Bowlin
Always a favorite - classic American designs from Jenni Bowlin Studios.

Projects, projects... less than 60 days until Christmas.  New Christmas Sizzix Dies offer
a helping hand for cards, parties and more.

American Crafts Dear Lizzy
New lace papers from Dear Lizzy are must fabulous and love the rose ribbon with diamond gems attached!

Jillibean Soup
The Christmas Chestnut Soup Collection by Jillibean Soup is printed on Kraft 100% recycled, quality paper. Perfect for your holiday creations.

Sizzix Vagabond
Pre-Order the Tim Holtz Vagabond Die cutting machine coming very soon!  Check out
the video below the product info to see the Vagabond in action.

Join us as a follower of the BlueBlog or visit us on

The Winner is...

A Halloween treat is coming your way...
Vickie Merrick !!!!
said... My favorite fall memory..... throwing my "First Annual Hobo Happening". We had built a home on 25 acres and my husband dug a large firepit to cook "hobo stew" over and roast marshmallows for s'mores......yuh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-mee!!! The stew was very interesting since everybody had to bring a can of food to add to it then eat the concoction out of the can they brought. The hobo outfits were a real "hoot" and a tradition was started that went on for 10 years. What memories!!! Happy Fall, Ya'll!!!!!!!!

Vickie email Scott@bluemoonscrapbooking.com so we can mail you this Halloweeen kit.

Hope everyone has fun tonight Trick or Treating :)

Bizarre Anti-McMahon Piece By AP

The following has been up as a lead story on my Yahoo! homepage for over 12 hours. It is truly bizarre, and I will reprint it in full below:

Conn. wrestling fans: We're no lock for McMahon

HARTFORD, Conn. – Connecticut fans of World Wrestling Entertainment say Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon's ties to the company won't guarantee their votes on Election Day.

Pro wrestling fanatics in Hartford on Saturday said the former WWE CEO's campaign has no bearing on their enjoyment of the WWE. The company was in Hartford's XL Center for Fan Appreciation Day.

McMahon is running against Democratic state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal for the seat of retiring Democratic U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd. A recent poll showed Blumenthal leading McMahon.

WWE representatives say the weekend show wasn't about rallying voters. They say it was held to thank fans for supporting the company despite what they call unfair attacks on its image from state Democrats and the media.

That's it. Not a single person quoted in the story to back up their headline, not even anonymously. As a matter of fact, even their generalized statements do not indicate that WWE fans are planning to vote against Linda McMahon, only that her status of CEO of the WWE will not affect their vote.

Is it possible people are going to vote for her based on her positions, or against Dick Blumenthal based on his irresponsible public statements claiming non-existent service in Vietnam? I'm starting to believe that is the more likely scenario, and AP writers, desperate for a way to discredit and smear Linda McMahon (have you seen what the Alaskan media has stooped to to "get" Joe Miller?), put up their misleading headline in the hopes to embarrass her, while simultaneously hoping nobody clicked through to the non-story?

Maybe this piece will be fleshed out. But it's been posted for almost 14 hours now, with no changes. Is this the best the AP can do to stop the oncoming Republican wave?

Cheap. Dirty. Unprofessional. Blatantly partisan.

In other words, everything we've come to expect from the mainstream media...

Bill Clinton Hits Columbus, Ohio...

....and draws a "crowd" of...a few dozen, I reckon:

In the Wave Year of 2010, stumping for Barack Obama and the Democrats has reduced even the great liberal hero, Bill Clinton, to nothing more than a Spinal Tap analogy:

"You are witnesses to the birth of the Democratic party, Mark II...I hope you enjoy our new direction..."

Although I think Tap's crowd may be larger:

Picture at top via The Corner...

"Rally For Sanity": Moderate = Hateful Leftists

If this is sanity, than I'm voting for Christine O'Donnell for president:

Most of those pouring into the Mall Saturday appeared to be younger than 35, and the signs they carried showed a decidedly left-wing bent: "I hope this isn't a trap," "I masturbate to Christine O'Donnell," "Communism was a red herring."

One sign had Hitler mustaches on pictures of Sarah Palin, Eric Cantor, Glenn Beck and John Boehner. The message said, “Afraid yet?” This is particularly insulting to Cantor, who is Jewish and in line to become House Majority Leader if Republicans win next week.

Maybe this was the stench that permeated the air at the "Rally for Sanity"?

Left-wing groups such as Amnesty International, Public Citizen and Feminist Majority Foundation handed out buttons, signs and fliers outside a Metro station near the Mall. Activists were hoping that the young people who turned out in force for President Barack Obama in 2008 — and who form the core of "The Daily Show" audience — would be jolted into action to help stave off expected big losses by Democrats next week.

Or maybe it was this:

....The wind carried the scent of burning marijuana through the crowd.


Katie Shanahan, a 24-year-old who lives in Washington and works at an environmental nonprofit, came with a group of friends. She says everyone in her circle has been talking about the event since early September.

Katie, you and your friends are a bunch of f*cking losers, OK?

And speaking of which...send in the clowns, the court jesters of the Decline, the 21st century equivalent of Nero's fiddle:

You want to know what Stewart's crowd is really all about? More photos from the "Rally for Sanity":

Leftists, all. Equally...unpleasant. More here.

Ask Joseph Cao What Obama Means By "Bipartisanship"

A softly-spoken, diminutive man who hates glad-handing and is too shy to ask people to vote for him, Cao is the antithesis of the bomb-throwing Tea Party candidate. A centrist, no Republican in the House of Representatives has proved more willing to work with the White House.

Talking about Obama, Cao sounds mournful, recalling how he had been invited to watch the Super Bowl with him (he missed it because he was caught in a blizzard) and had attended the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House. The last time the men spoke, he said, was when Mr Obama shouted out "Good to see you Joe" at a bill-signing ceremony in July.

But when I ask him about Obama's attempts at bipartisanship, there was a flash of indignation. "He did talk about that," Cao responds. "So I'm wondering why he endorsed my opponent and made an advertisement for him."

As of last week, Richmond was the only candidate in the country for whom Obama cut a television ad. That was Cao's reward for his attempts at bipartisanship in Washington.

Pity Joseph Cao, he offered a drink to an alcoholic who promised it would be his last, then got slashed with the empty bottle. The president promises every day will be his last angry day, and that now is the time to move forward in a bi-partisan fashion, and every night he staggers home in a drunken rage.

And so it goes, Even the media, who had allowed love to strike it blind, is waking up to the truth about our drunken reprobate of a president:

Obama: Appeals for common ground, yet jabs GOP

From my favorite '80's progressive rock band,
Marillion, Scottish frontman Fish sings about his inevitabilities:
Many's the time I've been thinking about changing my ways
But when it gets right down to it it's the same drunken haze

Just for the record I'm gonna put it down, down
Just for the record I'm gonna change my life around

Just a revolutionary with a pseudonym
Just a barroom dancer on my final fling
Just another writer paying off my dues
Just finding inspiration well that's my excuse

Just for the record I'm gonna put it down, down
Just for the record I'm gonna change my life around
Just another empty gesture with an empty glass
Just another comic actor behind a tragic mask

But I've got no discipline got no self control
Just a little less painful here when my back's against the wall

...When you say I got a problem that's a certainty
But I can put it all right down to eccentricity
It's just for the record it's just a passing phase
Just for the record I can stop any day...


 Cutie by Lynnette Davis.
"This is my cute 2nd cousin.  This is probably my favorite photo of her and I just had to scrap it."

Products Used:
Basic Grey Paper
Basic Grey Stickers
Basic Grey Alphas

Halloween Album

A super cute halloween album by Julie Bonner, it matches her wonderful Halloween tree she made earlier this week.

Made with K & Company Spooktacular goodies.

Media Wetting Their Collective Pants Over Stewart's "Rally To Restore Sanity"

I found this to be depressingly illuminating:

Journalists are practically giddy in anticipation of this weekend's Jon Stewart rally on the National Mall. The Rally's staff has recieved more than 1,000 requests for press credentials for the event. Only 400 were given out.

Those statistics underscore just how much the media loves Stewart's leftist message (and it is a leftist message). For some perspective, consider that the September 12, 2010 Tea Party on the Mall received roughly 150 requests for press credentials, according to FreedomWorks, which sponsored the event.

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally granted 450 such credentials to journalists, but in the brief contact NewsBusters had with Beck's staff there was no indication that any reporter who had requested credentials had been turned down.

The mainstream media are Stewart fans. They have no interest in Glenn Beck, save to savage him personally without having watched him. Of course, in theory their job is to cover the news - and Beck's rally was certainly more newsworthy than a comedian's puerile self-aggrandizing - but as we have seem for some time, the media only covers the news that they like, and either demonize or ignore anything that runs counter to their worldview. Odd behavior for a profession once honored for being doggedly in pursuit of truth, a profession our Founders counted on to keep The Powers at bay...

Well, Beck drew approximately 300,000 to the Mall. Let's see how many folks are equally enamored of Stewart's sneering message of ennui and liberal condescension. When they announce the crowd totals, let's be sure to separate out the media contingent...

The Hyacinth Girl voices best the core philosophical problem with the Rally to Restore Sanity, and with the media's love affair with it, and Jon Stewart:

Good God. What hath MTV wrought? I love that my generation has embraced wholeheartedly the “censorship through ridicule” doctrine so adroitly expressed by The Daily Show and its weirdly rage-filled (and not in a satirical way) spinoff with Colbert, but no matter how funny you find everything when you’re hitting the bong after a long day at the DMV, that crap is no substitute for substantive news and information. When you’re 21 and still reeling from the transition from adolescence to early adulthood (or at least you should be), it’s still charming to use informal language when referring to serious, “grown-up” issues. After 25, you’re on some shaky ground in my book. After 30 . . . well, I’ve probably stopped talking to you at this point....

Rolled Flower Video

I made a little video on how to make Julie Bonner's rolled 3D flowers from her blog post this week.  I absolutely love the way her frame turned out.  She put Ranger Stickles on the edges.  This are how my flower turned out.  If you haven't tried making these yet cut a paper circle right now and give it a try :)

It's Official. Celcom Blackberry Torch 9800 launch.

Everyone have been waiting for this moment!
And yes, now Urbanae would like to announcce, The Blackberry Torch 9800 is finally here!!!! Thanks Celcom for bringing it to Malaysia!

Good god, I got the invitation to Celcom Blackberry Torch 9800 press conference which is really cool for me (Yea, me is Urbanae!!!). So. it happens at Pavillion KL.

The coolest thing is first 10 who queue up will be offered to buy Blackberry Torch 9800 at only RM8!!!!! I mean seriously, RM8 for a multifunctional and trendy phone, what more can you ask for!? Other than that, first 100 customer will get (buy) the phone at RM 488 and the following 100 will be at RM 888! ( Psss....the original price is at RM2500+ )

So, here's how the event and press conference going on!

It's worth waiting!!

The Celcom Blackberry Torch 9800 booth.

It's filled with Blackberrians~~~

The Blackberry Torch 9800, touch screen or keypad....it's up to you!

The top 10 fella!!!! Congrats guys!

Artist performing!

Sing it out loud! He's good in entertaining though!

Nice shoe!

After that, they are having the press conference at La Bodega~!

La Bodega~~~

Guess what's in the Celcom's present?

Emcee giving a speech to welcome......guess who?

Tada, it's Mr Chee Pok Jin, Celcom Marketing Officer!

Let's open the present!!!

Encik Zalman and Mr Chee impressive launching the GREAT Blackberry Torch 9800.

Picture time!!! Say BLACKBERRYYYYY~

The emcee of the day!!!

Last but not least, of course the group picture with the "top 10" aka the first 10 who got the Blackberry Torch 9800 in their hands!!!!

Well, it's a nice day! The Blackberry Torch 9800 is temptating, yummy. Good looking, multifunction, and the Celcom package is *slurp* considerable. Why I say so? You can choose between the package of Exec or Biz and it's a one year contract.
For more details,
please visit Celcom website...here's the link : http://www.celcom.com.my/index.html

(PS : Everything is going well and nice, the appetizers and drinks offered in La Bodega is yummo! I would like to have more invitation to more press conference, launch or partay!!! BTW, the Blackberry Torch 9800.....it's cool if I own one!!!! Grrrrr.)

NJ-12: Scott Sipprelle Leads Rush Holt By 1 !!

Can one of the most despicable liberals in Congress, Rush Holt of New Jersey's CD-12, be in trouble?

Oh, yeah. Via MoreMonmouthMusings

According to a National Research poll just out of the field, Republican challenger Scott Sipprelle leads Democrat Congressman Rush Holt 43%-42% in New Jersey’s 12th congressional district as we head into the final weekend of the 2010 mid-term campaign. The remaining 14% are undecided.

Some additional data:

 Sipprelle leads 46%-32% among self identified Independent/unaffiliated voters.

 Among those who identify themselves as the most likely to turn out, Sipprelle leads 47%-41%.

 Among voters who have heard of both candidates, Sipprelle leads 44%-42%.

 Among voters who have formed an opinion of both candidates, Sipprelle leads 52%-40%.

 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has a very strong image in this district, with a 60% favorable rating and a 34% unfavorable.

 Among the voters who are favorable to the Governor, Sipprelle leads Holt 66%-23%.

 The generic ballot shows a five point GOP advantage, as the generic Republican leads the generic Democrat 45%-40%.

As undecided voters become late deciders this weekend and early next week, we expect the race to continue to be tight, with turnout becoming the final, crucial determining factor. But if current turnout holds and Republicans continue to exhibit an enthusiasm advantage in this district, we give the edge to Sipprelle.

In a wave year, the undecideds break for the challenger. And again, let's look at the dramatic electoral shifts in Rush Holt's
two key counties in the last two years:

Mommouth General 2008

Republican - McCain 160,433 51%
Democrat - Obama 148,737 48%

Monmouth Governor 2009

Republican - Christie/Guadagno 128,328 62.19%
Democrat - Corzine/Weinberg 64,315 31.17%

Middlesex General 2008

Democrat - Barack Obama 193,812 61%
Republican - John McCain 123,695 38.8%

Middlesex Governor 2009

Democrat - Jon Corzine 75,200 44.21%
Republican - Chris Christie 81,947 48.17

As I said earlier today, don't sweat the small lead, rejoice in the momentum! Just over two weeks ago,
Holt led by 5 . Now he's down 1? Down by 3 on Tuesday, baby...

Christine O'Donnell...Closing The Gap?

In the last few days before an election, you have to watch the momentum as much as anything else.

Just ask one-time double-digit-deficit candidate Scott Brown. Whoops, I mean Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts....

How much does it hurt
NPR to report the following:

Christine O'Donnell is surging and not just in terms of web hits owing to the controversial Gawker story about her Halloween date three years ago.

A new Monmouth University poll has the Republican now just ten points behind Democrat Chris Coons in the U.S. Senate race.

Two weeks ago, Coons' lead was about 20-percentage points over O'Donnell whose candidacy was increasingly seen as doomed by many.

But to have so much movement towards O'Donnell in a race that had appeared settled is extraordinary if this poll is capturing public sentiment accurately...

We'll stop here, as NPR continues with "It's especially remarkable given the gaffes O'Donnell has made...", at which point they repeat slanted talking points which could have come right out of Chris Coons' media guide.

But we'll give them a little sympathy here, because we know that NPR just winced having to report this story. And speaking of which:

The Gawker story, which again, hit the Web before this latest poll, appears to be creating something of a sympathy backlash for O'Donnell.

We speculated this morning that the only reason NOW & the leftist blogosphere was even showing any remorse over this incident is because they felt they could afford to, given Coons' lead in the race. If it is 10 points and dwindling, I'll bet many of those same bloggers are regretting their charitable show of support, and are wishing they just
unzipped it and jumped on the pile. Oh, wait - here they go. Reverting to form.

Could be an even more interesting Tuesday than any of us can imagine...

"The Rally To Restore Sanity" - Final Nail In The Democratic Coffin?

Let me first say I am neither a fan of Jon Stewart (a snarkier, somewhat brighter, Joy Behar?) nor Stephen Colbert. It looks like my misgivings about Colbert were fleshed out when he recently "testified" on Capitol Hill on the plight of migrant farm workers - you know, the testimony which included his request to submit photos of his colonoscopy into the public record? That went swimmingly well, as the nation grew even further enraged at the Democrats for wasting their time on a chimp show while the nation's problems worsened. To this, the Democrats stared incredulously, wiped a laughter-induced tear from their collective cheeks, and replied "But wasn't he so funny?"

Maybe, if the business of government is a mere comedy routine. Alas for the Democrats, most Americans do not view it that way this year. But maybe we're just not smart enough to get their sophisticated sense of humor. At least that's what the Left will tell themselves, when they see nobody joining in their gales of laughter at this weekend's Colbert/Stewart "Rally to Restore Sanity".

The New York Times gives us a hint:

Interviews with some of the tens of thousands of people expected to attend suggest that they want a message, not a simple comedy show. Liberal groups like Media Matters and Naral Pro-Choice America will be out in force to attract new members and even Organizing for America, President Obama’s political organization, wants to draw attendees to phone banks set up near the Mall.

While the event is pitched to moderates of all political persuasions, Mr. Stewart is known for having a progressive audience. In interviews, some people who plan to attend said it might bolster the spirits of Democrats on the eve of a midterm election that is expected to carry a surge of Republicans to Washington

So here's what America is going to see: tens of thousands (what the Times calls "a huge crowd" - did they say that about Beck's 300K?) of young liberals, surrounded by the trappings of radical leftist propaganda, sneering at their government, laughing at their establishments, and mocking those who try to make the world a better place.

An early rundown of the event, shared by the National Parks Service, which issued the permit for the event, listed a first hour dominated by musical acts (including The Roots), with Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert performing largely in the second hour, and more musicians (including Sheryl Crow) and a taped, fake-awards conclusion in the third hour. Other guest stars are likely to appear. One on the list is Don Novello, who played Father Guido Sarducci years ago on “Saturday Night Live.” He is expected to offer an opening comic benediction, almost surely intended as a parody of the religious-themed rally headed by Mr. Beck.

Sure. Real "smart". Mock a man who can bring 300,000 people to the Mall with 10,000 ironic liberals. Sneer at God. Mock the awards given to young soldiers who lost life and limb fighting for their country.

No doubt Stewart, Colbert, and the suits at Viacom think this is uproarious. How will the rest of America perceive it, some 48 hours before a pivotal election?

"C'mon, it's just satire!", a smirking Stewart will explain to us, with the condescending sneer we're so used to, the "you're just not smart enough to get us" look we get from Barack Obama to Robert Gibbs to Barney Frank...

"The Great Unwashed", as Katie Couric calls us, will not be amused, only motivated. To get out on Tuesday and give a virtual kick in the pants to all the ironic liberals out there, who see comedic gold in our passions, and just desserts in our decline.

Thanks, Jon. Good job, Stephen. I think we can start thinking about taking a minimum of 60 seats by the time the court jesters of the American left are finished with their humiliating monkey dance on the Mall this weekend...

UPDATE: " Rally To Restore Sanity" gets a high-profile endorsement:

When comics Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced their rallies on the national mall scheduled for this Saturday, they may not have expected — or wanted — a plug from Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. But Ayers told the Ford Motor Company-sponsored Green Festival in Washington, D.C. last Saturday that the event will be a needed respite from the “Alice in Wonderland” world of military domination of the planet and wars waged by the U.S. “empire.”

The Oct. 30 Stewart/Colbert rallies, dubbed “Restore Sanity” and “Keep Fear Alive,” are “worth attending,” Ayers said.

Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, once labeled a “violent maniac” by a former gang member in congressional testimony, turned deadly serious at the Green Fest in declaring that the U.S. was no longer a “hegemonic power” because of its economic decline but that its military strength was still a major problem in the world.

Thumbs Up Ice Cream

A yummy layout by Susan Coish.

Products Used:
My Minds Eye, lettering from Cosmo Cricket and Girls Paperie, rubons from Pink Paislee, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, American Crafts Flower ribbon.

My Ping in TotalPing.com

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