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Greyson Chance, the rising star who's been waiting outside the lines!

A 13 years old boy, with an oustanding vocal, combining his talented play on piano with his vocal, gives us an amusement on his music....and he is Greyson Chance, the rising star!

Greyson, new kid on the block!

This young little dude (I'm refering Greyson as young little dude simply because I'm not that young anymore...seriously, it's because he got his debut single at 13 and he can sing! What did I do when I'm 13?), well Greyson signed on Ellen DeGeneres's label and released his debut single at 13 years old. No kidding!

And why should we pay so much attention on Greyson? Yes, it's a common scene that nowadays lotta teens get to have their debut album at very young age, but not many of them can really sing. Greyson, it's an exception. He's unique. Recently I've been listen to a song on radio, can't remember the title but I recognize the vocal because it's very special, it's different from other vocal. Later, I found a video on a boy did a cover on Lady Gaga "Paparazzi" on Youtube (Among all the Gaga song, I love the Papz song the best, especially the stage performance Gaga did on VMA, stunning!). Back to the video, the vocal sound a lil' familiar to me....after some research on the net, it's him...Greyson!

This boy has a really cool voice!

He's young but he's very different! Why? He has a deep voice that most teen don't have at this young age! His vocal is stable. I wonder why people love to compared him with Justin Bieber! Greyson and Bieber is definately in different league. Greyson can sing, and I hope that for his upcoming album (he got a debut single...), he will stick to what he's good at instead of going mainstream.

Greyson's debut single, Waiting Outside the Lines.

Yes, the song I've listened for months without knowing the title is Waiting Outside the Lines. You never get bored listening to this song. Here's the mv for the song!

My first thought after knowing Greyson is the one singing waiting outside the line is....I was strucked! I mean, the vocal is really good and stable at his age. I'm quite into his cover on Fire by Augustana. Personally I love Augustana a lot and I think Greyson did a really nice cover on that! Here's another Greyson's performance on Empire State of Mind.

He had another two original song by himself on Youtube, Stars and Broken Hearts. You can go and check out as well. Just in case that you "accidently" fell in love with his vocal like I did, you can follow him on twitter @greysonchance . We'll see how the Rising Star would strike the music industry with the release of his debut album! We will keep our eyes on you, target locked...Greyson (*Grin*...oh how evil am I!!!)!

(PS : Can't wait for his album. He will shine or should I say he ald shining?)

No more bromance for Brad and Clooney?

The most typical hollywood Bromance "icon" Brad and Clooney finally "split"!!?

Is that true for this charming bromance couples or....just a rumor?

According to Hollywood sources, Brad and Jolie with their big BUNCH of kids visiting Clooney Italian home and turn out the kids having a "world war II" by trashing down all Clooney's stuffs. So, it end up Clooney kinda "burst" aka furious when he saw the mess made by Brad's kids and he has banned Brad bringing the kids to come to his house (Clooney act like FIFA, innit?).

"Do ya see the mess?"

Clooney has been rumored saying that he not really like Jolie and Jolie is not that happy with Clooney giving bad influence to her Brad by partying and drinking a lot (Oh man, is that so true?). All these things happened and sum up with the mess that made by Brad's kids, well it's quite make sense or acceptable that Clooney burst.

We love prank!

But who knows? It might be one of the prank played by Clooney and Brad to the paps! We know they love prank, right? But, I dont think so they will really "split" by this small little tiny thingy. I bet they are still fine now. They are the ICON, the bromance's!

(PS : If that really happened, then we'll ask Coen bros to make another Burn After Reading movie for both of them, and they will be good as they used to be! How about that!)

Richard Gutierrez and Solenn Heussaff Cover COSMOPOLITAN Magazine February 2011 Issue

My Valentine Girls lead actor Richard Gutierrez and one of his leading ladies Solenn Heussaff are on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine double cover love month issue.

This issue features articles about "Flash and Belly Friendly Undies," "Why Girls are Settling for 'It's Complicated' or 'MOMOL' Status," "Flower Power: Rock The Hot New '70s Style," and exciting Valentine topics like "Top 5 Love Tips," "Best Date Ideas", etc.

You may also check out the You're Sooo Cosmo, Dear Cosmo, Cosmo Confessions, and Cosmo Controversy pages to find out how you can share your pics, opinions, and your funny/steamy secrets for a chance to win the fab goodies.

Cosmopolitan Philippines Magazine February 2011 issue is now available at all magazine stands, bookstores and selected supermarkets nationwide.

BlueMoon Newsletter

New this week to BlueMoon, the fabulous....
Put down your popcorn and turn your attention to the center ring.  Now, turn your eyes upwards to the trapeze for Graphic45's two stunning collections Le Cirque and Curtain Call.
The Grahic45 CHA Winter 2011 Booth.
Oooooh, lots of beautiful samples by the Graphic45 Design Team!
Cordless and bright pink... need I say more.
The ibond glue gun is a terrific addition to your creative tools.
 Special Price $32.00 
Regularly $42.00
Sale ends Wednesday night 2/5/11.
With CHA over for us at BlueMoon -stay tunned on our YouTube or Facebook page for video of CHA.


Read Judge Vinson's opinion here. it is brilliant, and plainly enough written so that a layman (like me!)can comprehend the judge's points well enough without necessarily being familiar with the judicial precedents being referenced.

I just love this part, where the judge throws Obama's words (and the Democrats in both houses) right back in his face - Page 68:

Moreover, the defendants have conceded that the Act’s health insurance reforms cannot survive without the individual mandate, which is extremely significant because the various insurance provisions, in turn, are the very heart of the Act itself. The health insurance reform provisions were cited repeatedly during the health care debate, and they were instrumental in passing the Act. In speech after speech President Obama emphasized that the legislative goal was “health insurance reform” and stressed how important it was that Congress fundamentally reform how health insurance companies do business, and “protect every American from the worst practices of the insurance industry.” See, for example, Remarks of President Obama, The State of the Union, delivered Jan. 27, 2009.28

(See also, e.g., The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, OfficialTranscript of President Obama’s News Conference, July 22, 2009, available at:

09; The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Official Transcript of President

Obama’s Remarks at Health Care Reform Town Hall, July 23, 2009, available at:

Meanwhile,the Act’s supporters in the Senate and House similarly spoke repeatedly and often of the legislative efforts as being the means to comprehensively reform the health insurance industry.

To be sure, the words “protection” and “affordable” in the title of the Act

itself are inextricably tied to the health insurance reform provisions (and the

individual mandate in particular), as the defendants have emphasized throughout the course of this litigation.

Love this analogy as well:

In the final analysis, this Act has been analogized to a finely crafted watch,and that seems to fit. It has approximately 450 separate pieces, but one essential piece (the individual mandate) is defective and must be removed. It cannot function as originally designed. There are simply too many moving parts in the Act and too many provisions dependent (directly and indirectly) on the individual mandate and other health insurance provisions --- which, as noted, were the chief engines that drove the entire legislative effort --- for me to try and dissect out the proper from the improper, and the able-to-stand-alone from the unable-to-stand-alone. Such a quasi-legislative undertaking would be particularly inappropriate in light of the fact that any statute that might conceivably be left over after this analysis is complete would plainly not serve Congress’ main purpose and primary objective in passing the Act. The statute is, after all, called “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” not “The Abstinence Education and Bone Marrow Density Testing Act.” The Act, like a defectively designed watch, needs to be redesigned and reconstructed by the watchmaker.

Amen, your Honor. Amen.

If we can ban offshore drilling post-BP, why not close the abortion clinics after Gosnell?

Little Miss Atilla begs the question:

Is there an analogy to be made between the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill last year and the Gosnell abortion clinic scandal in Philly a few weeks ago? Because most of my friends on the left felt pretty strongly last summer that a dramatic failure to enforce regulations meant any given industry should be largely shut down until new guidelines could be drafted.

The New York Times, which supports the moritorium on drilling that is starving the Gulf Coast, raising gasoline prices through the roof, and damaging our national security, provided an immediate answer, on the same day Miss Atilla makes her innocent inquiry:

Away from Washington, another ominous anti-abortion battle is accelerating in the states. Anti-abortion forces have been trying to take advantage of the 2007 ruling in which the Supreme Court upheld a federal ban on a particular method of abortion.

November’s elections made the outlook even bleaker.

...This math greatly increases the prospect of extreme efforts to undermine abortion access with Big Brother measures that require physicians to read scripts about fetal development and provide ultrasound images, and that impose mandatory waiting periods or create other unnecessary regulations.

Such restrictions, combined with a persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence....

Americans who support women’s reproductive rights and oppose this kind of outrageous government intrusion need to respond with rising force and clarity to this real and immediate danger.

One can not blamed for wanting to burst out in laughter after hearing the Times complain about "Big Brother measures", after all, isn't that the sum total of their precious ObamaCare? As for the persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence, well...maybe if the Times would obey the laws of the "new civility" and stop inciting such hatred with words like "ominous", "extreme", and "danger", maybe their cadres on the Left would cease their violent outbursts.

But that's not the point, really. Let's just change a few words in the NYT editorial and see how easy it is to clarify the dark heart of the Left:

"Within Washington, another ominous anti-energy battle is accelerating in the states. Radical Green forces have been trying to take advantage of the 2010 "temporary" moratorium on oil drilling...

...This math greatly increases the prospect of extreme efforts to undermine energy exploration and access with Big Brother measures....

Such restrictions, combined with a persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence....(no change needed here!)

Americans who support oil independence, job creation, low energy prices, and national security and oppose this kind of outrageous government intrusion need to respond with rising force and clarity to this real and immediate danger."

So looking through the prism of the Times' filthy mirror, we learn that -

Cheap oil that spurs the national economy and lifts everyone's standard of living: EVIL

Putting even the slightest restrictions on abortions, to prevent recurrences of the Gosnell clininc scandal: EVIL

Killing unborn babies wantonly and in massive numbers: GOOD

Miss Atilla, does this answer your question? At the very least, it clearly spells out the moral divide between even simple economic conservatism and the human carnage that is liberal philosophy.

And that is why we have a culture war well underway. And that is why it won't remain "civil" - because we won't shut up, and we will continue to point out their hypocrisy and lies, and demand they explain their morality to us - if they even can....

The Egyptian Uprising: Germany Blames The Jews?

You know, after all these years of hearing about how Israel was the obstacle to peace in the Middle East, and if only a "final solution" was arrived at to solve the Israeli-Palestinian "crisis", this turgid region would become calm, lukewarm water - easy for the intellectual superiors of the West to manipulate, and lead.

Well, we have rolling waves, all right - but none of them seem to be emanating from Israel. As a a matter of fact, as Egypt boils over into revolution, not a single ordinary Egyptian citizen has been seen screaming about Israel malfeasance or Jewish chicanery, nor has one tourist had a hair harmed on their heads.

What do we make of this? Could there be -gasp -
other factors at play in the Middle East?

Unemployment is unofficially estimated at over 25 percent, even higher among the youth, food price inflation has been at about 17 percent per year and the rampant poverty and inequity in income distribution have all served as a catalyst for the popular uprising....

For 30 years Mubarak has been channelling hsi people's rage at Israel. The Egyptians seems to have had enough of blaming a beaten-up people on a tiny strip of land for all of their woes, and have instead turned on the leadership that has kept them poor, illiterate, hopeless, and oppressed.

Is there anyone who still thinks that if, say, Benjamin Netanyahu had succumbed to Obama's demand to halt settlement building in Jerusalem, that the Egyptian revolution would not have come to pass? Is there anyone that stupid, or that anti-Semitic, to still point a finger at the Jews?

Would you believe...
the Germans?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday called to stop the building in the settlements, saying that in light of the events in Egypt, it is important to further the diplomatic process.

Merkel, who arrived Monday afternoon at the head of a delegation of eight ministers for a joint Israeli-German government meeting, shared her assessments with Netanyahu about the situation in Egypt and in the region.

Note that Merkel doesn't even try to make a logical connection between the settlements and the Egyptian uprising; she is just too intellectually lazy to realize the paradigm she's comfortably sat on for her entire life has been pulled out from beneath her. Hey Angie, you ain't relaxing comfortably on the Barcalounger anymore; your fat ass just landed on the floor with a thud...

Go with what you know, I suppose. Outdated concepts and Jew-baiting. Beats re-thinking a puzzle that you & all the other smart guys were so sure you had figured out years ago....

In other words...expect similar sentiments to come from Barack Obama, to try to show he is doing something - anything - in the face of crisis that is way above his intellectual capacity to comprehend.

Obama blames Jewish settlements for renewed violence in Egypt, demands an immediate halt

Bet on it...

Indonesian Pop Star Nasriel Irham Sentenced To Over 3 Years in Prison For Sex Tapes Scandal

JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BNO NEWS) — Indonesian pop star Ariel Nasriel Irham on Monday was sentenced to over 3 years in prison for distributing two homemade sex tapes on various websites.

According to the Jakarta Globe newspaper, Irham was found guilty of distributing pornographic materials on the Internet. He has been under custody since he surrendered himself to authorities in June 2010.

Irham, 29, was charged under Indonesia’s 2008 Anti-Pornography Law for two separate homemade sex tapes involving his current girlfriend, TV presenter Luna Maya, 27 and actress Cut Tari, 33, known for her roles in Indonesian soap operas.

Approximately 1,000 demonstrators from the Alliance of Islamic Movements gathered outside the Bandung District Court and threw rotten eggs and tomatoes at the pop singer as he arrived.

The Bandung Police Headquarters deployed one thousand officers to secure the hearing. TV celebrity Luna Maya was in attendance as well as a group of Indonesian artists including legendary singer and song writer Titiek Puspa, rock star Achmad Albar and musician Melly Goeslaw.

The pop star was found guilty and sentenced to 42 months of imprisonment (3.5 years). The prosecution demanded a sentence of 5 years. In addition Irham, was ordered to pay a $ 28,000 fine.

Irham, frontman for Indonesian music group “Peterpan,” has been dubbed by various media outlets as “Peterporn,” as the scandal has stirred Indonesians nationwide.

Venus Raj To Co-Host 'Umagang Kay Ganda'

Ms. Universe 4th runner up Venus Raj adds cap to her feather as she join the roster of Kapamilya talents in ABS-CBN morning show "Umagang Kay Ganda".

This is a dream come true for Venus who long dreams of becoming a TV and radio talk-show host.

Venus announced that she is set to be included in ABS-CBN's "Umagang Kay Ganda" starting next week. She can't contained her excitement while unveiling her special role in the morning show.

"Mondays to Thursdays, makikita niyo ako sa loob ng studio at kapag Friday sa mga barangay. Maraming bago ang dadating next week," she said.

Meantime, Venus also admitted that she had a hard time adjusting to the early wake-up calls.

"Grabe ang saya kasi kahit ang aga-aga, 'yung staff ang tataas ng energy nila. 'Pag nandun ka na, lahat sila buhay na buhay, walang reason para antukin. Sobrang taas ng energy nila kaya matutuwa ka na rin sa ginagawa mo," Venus said.

John Estrada's Message To Willie Revillame: "Di kami kaaway. Trabaho lang 'to talaga!"

In response to Willie Revillame's outburst in "Willing Willie" last Thursday, January 27, 2011 regarding the new ABS-CBN noontime game show which will be co-hosted by his best buddies' John Estrada and Randy Santiago (CLICK HERE FOR RELATED ARTICLE -> John Estrada and Randy Santiago To Host ABS-CBN's New Noontime Game Show; Willie Revillame Mad About It), John sent his apology message to Willie through TV5 Sunday showbiz talk show na Paparazzi yesterday, January 30, 2011:

Read John's full text message below:
Iniyakan ko na 'to ng ilang beses, ipinagdasal ko na rin... Di ko masabi lahat sayo sa txt, pero kung bibigyan mo ko ng pagkakataon para makapagusap tayo eh di mas maganda, alam ko na nasaktan ka at humihingi ako ng dispensa.

Pero mamatay na buong pamilya ko, nung pinatawag ako, ikaw ang una kong inisip at sinabi ko kay Randy kailangan kausapin ka na namin. Kaya lang tuma-timing kami, pero 'yun nga naunahan na naman.

Di mo lang alam, kapatid, kung ano ang sinasabi ko sa kanila kung nababanggit ang pangalan mo, kahit sino pa dun, tinatabla ko, totoo 'yan... Trabaho lang 'to talaga, ang dami-dami ko pa gusto sabihin sa 'yo, bigyan mo lang ako ng pagkakataon!

At panghuli, di kami kaaway... Happy birthday! And tuwing sinasabi ko Lab u... mini-mean ko 'yon... Lab u Kapatid..."

Videos to Watch: Sarah Geronimo Performs ‘Burlesque’ on ASAP Rocks vs. Christina Aguilera’s ‘Burlesque’ Performance on Dancing With The Stars

Watch Sarah Geronimo performs Christina Aguilera's "Show Me How You Burlesque" on ASAP Rocks January 30, 2011 episode.

Compare it with Christina Aguilera's own original version of "Show Me How You Burlesque" on Dancing with the Stars.

Videos courtesy of varaindiana and PopsterEdvilyn25 on youtube

Americans reject Obama's SOTU, and everything in it...

...and embrace the Tea Party. The LA Times is even more perplexed than Gallup is, but they at least report the story straight:

An earlier post-speech Gallup Poll found the president's assertion that the troubled economy is "poised for progress" was rejected by a majority of Americans, who say the economy is actually still worsening....

Although historically relatively little of State of the Union speeches actually come to fruition, Gallup found widespread doubts about some other assertions by the Democrat:

Contrary to the Obama administration's offshore drilling moratoriums, two-thirds of Americans favor a new energy bill to expand domestic exploration and drilling.

The president outlined a vast new program to rebuild what he called a "crumbling" infrastructure. Americans oppose more stimulus spending and think reducing the deficit is much more important.

Americans oppose giving existing illegal immigrants "a path to legal status" and prefer halting the flow of illegal immigrants before addressing the problems of those already here.

And on Obama's proudest achievement, his signature healthcare legislation, only 13% like the idea of keeping it as is. Everyone else favors minor changes, major changes or tossing out the entire thing.

Other than that though, the president's 62-minute speech seems to have gone over really well.

And even 50% of Democrats agree - It's time for Tea:

A new Gallup Poll out this morning finds that 71% of Americans, even many who do not think highly of the "tea party," say it's important that Republicans should take the its positions into account.

Gallup appears puzzled by its findings: While only 6% of Democrats call themselves "tea party" supporters and only 11% hold a favorable view of it, more than half of Democrats still....

... think it's important the GOP work the movement's views into Republican programs. Perhaps some hope the tea party will help weaken the GOP, despite increasing support for the tea party's fiscal conservatism as deficit fears mount.

Yeah. The Tea Party hurt the Republicans so much in November that they were limited to a takeover of only 63 seats in the House and a half-dozen in the Senate, a historic landslide. Not to mention the tremendous flip of statehouses from Left to Right...

The LA Times does offer a propohecy of sorts:

Developing support for tea party positions as well as listening could augur large trouble for Obama's reelect next year.

Not to mention blinking helplessness in the face of a revolution in Egypt that can change the face of the Middle East for generations, and not necessarily in a positive way.

But as far as listening goes, Barack Obama
doesn't seem to be doing much of that - either to the American people, the new Republican majority, or the few fiscal hawks in his own party:

President Barack Obama will send a multitrillion budget to Congress on Feb. 14, administration spokesman Kenneth Baer said, setting up a conflict over spending that may dominate a divided Congress for the rest of the year.

The budget for fiscal 2012 is a political document that will put into precise language the administration’s priorities for increasing economic growth and creating jobs...

Just what the American people want. Looks like Obama's first serving of Tea will be piping hot...

BPCI Introduces 2011 Binibining Pilipinas 40 Finalists

Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Inc. (BPCI) has officially chosen and announced the final 40 contestants who will compete in this year's Binibining Pilipinas beauty pagent.

A total of 108 contestants participated in the screening but only 40 candidates will vie for the titles of Binibining Pilipinas Universe, International, and World.

BPCI chairperson Stella Marquez Araneta, directors Pitoy Moreno and Conchitina Sevilla Bernardo along with the current and former Bb. Pilipinas title holders converged at the Gateway Suites, Araneta Center, Quezon City on Saturday, January 29, to officially choose the candidates who made the final cut.

The screening and selection process is usually done closed doors in previous years, but this year, BPCI decided to allow the media to witness the event.

Here are the 40 official candidates for Binibining Pilipinas 2011:

1. Camille Alexis Baltazar, 20: Las Pinas
2 Elizabeth Clenci, 20: Australia
3. Samantha Purvor, 23: Quezon City
4. Mary Jean Lastimosa, 23: Manila
5. Jennielyn Natividad, 22: Batangas City
6. Roxanne Cabanero, 24: Davao
7. Hazelyn Santos, 22: Manila
8. Carla Lacson, 22: La Union
9. Kenneth Dimaapi, 20: Plaridel Bulacan
10. Suzette Hernandez, 24: Batangas
11. Isabella Manjon, 23: Manila
12. Sarah Nicole Clenci, 17: Australia
13. Teresa Pamela Ludovice, 22: Manila
14. Arabella Hanesh, 24: Urdaneta City
15. Gianna Therese Quintos, 24: Caloocan City
16. Patricia Marie Tumulak, 22: Manila
17. Wendy Lunas, 20: Jones, Isabela
18. Sabrinne Al-Tavine, 21: Quezon City
19. Maria Paula Bianca Paz, 22: Baguio City
20. Kathleen Subijano, 23: Woodland hills, California
21. Jenilyn Olivar, 25: Quezon City
22. Janine Tugonon, 21: Balanga, Bataan
23. Martha Chloe McCulley, 23: Pasay
24. Diane Necio, 18: Legaspi City, Albay
25. Jenn Roe Gubat, 20: Malolos, Bulacan
26. Ladylyn Riva, 23: Nabas, Aklan
27. Ma. Kristina May Marasigan, 22: Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
28. Zephorah Mayor, 20: Las Pinas
29. Diana Arevalo, 22: Batangas City
30. Paula Camille Figueroas, 24: Marikina
31. Glennifer Perido, 21: Sta. Rosa, Laguna
32. Queenierich Rehman, 22: Pasay
33. Angelina Ong, 20: Manila
34. Carolyn Ty, 24: Quezon City
35. Luzelle Felipe, 18: Hagonoy Bulacan
36. Marish Alyssa Marquinez, 21: Angeles City
37. Krystle Ann Grant: 23: Hayward Ca, USA
38. Grendel Alvarado: 26: Iloilo City
39.Jenette Mieko Noguchi 23: Palo Alto, California
40. Shamcey Supsup, 24: Iligan City

The Binibining Pilipinas Grand Coronation Night will be held at the Araneta Coliseum in April with live exclusive telecast on ABS-CBN.

CHA Winter 2011 updates

Here is Scott, my husband :) with Melissa Frances at the CHA show in LA. We have ordered so many treats from her this show, including the Cake Stands Melissa is holding!  Think of all the ways you can embellish this little beauty.
This is Design Team member Julie Tucker-Wolek :) Who has a lot more show
photos of CHA on her blog.
Some companies we ordered from this weekend
Everything Tim Holtz,
Graphic 45,
Websters Pages,
Tattered Angels, 
Pink Paislee,
All the new Sizzix,
seems like millions of Prima goodies - flowers, papers, Marion Smith bling, Say it in Crystals, Stamps, mist-able fabric, ribbon,Donna Downey, headbands, I think if they sold kitchen sinks we would have bought one, because we have bought cake stands!
Crate Paper,
Glitz Designs,
GCD Studios,
Canvas Corp,
American Crafts,
Basic Grey,
Maya Road,
Melissa Frances,
My Minds Eye,
October Afternoon
I'm sure I'm missing someone, but this gives you a good idea of some of the hottest new 
collections we have ordered.

Tweetie de Leon-Gonzales Covers METRO Magazine February 2011 Issue

The ever glamorous Tweetie de Leon-Gonzales is on the cover of Metro Magazine "Muse Issue" this February 2011.

February is often associated with Valentine’s Day, as lovers celebrate the season of love, passion, and companionship. This month, Metro Magazine pays tribute to the ties that bind in its first-ever muse issue, which features a radiant Tweetie de Leon-Gonzales dressed in Jojie Lloren’s masterpieces in celebration of his 20th year in the industry. Top fashion designers such as Rajo Laurel, Rhett Eala, Lulu Tan-Gan, and Randy Ortiz, among others, also share their thoughts on their favorite models, who come together in a glamorous photo shoot that highlights their timeless beauty.

Metro also showcases Lala Flores, who shares her makeup secrets in breathtaking spreads that feature her beauty muses: Kim Chiu, Angel Locsin, Dawn Zulueta, and her daughters Danica and Daniella. And for an insight on creative minds, read up on some of history’s most celebrated artist-muse relationships, which includes the likes of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Salvador Dali and Gala, and Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller.

This issue is also available on the iPad. Style pages on fashion, beauty, and lifestyle right on your fingertips! Download it for free. Just log on to Itunes and go to the App Store.

Metro Magazine February 2011 issue is now available at all magazine stands, bookstores and selected supermarkets nationwide.

A Reversal of Fortune in 'Mara Clara'

Mara (Kathryn Bernardo) and Clara (Julia Montes) undergo a reversal of fortune as the truth about Clara’s real father was finally revealed. Mara is set to experience a wealthy lifestyle as Clara delves into a setup she’s not used to. How will each of the character adjust to the new life they are about to live?

Meanwhile, in the coming episodes of Mara Clara, Mara celebrates her 16th birthday with a grand party. Who will be her male escort? Find out this week on ‘Mara Clara,’ Mondays to Fridays, after ‘Noah’ on ABS-CBN. For more updates, log on to or http://teamkapamilya.multiply com or follow abscbndotcom on Twitter.

“How Do You Know” - A New Comedy That Asks Questions on Love

The title question in Columbia Pictures' new romantic comedy “How Do You Know” is the most important one most of us will ever face, and as the world gets more complicated and disconnected, it’s harder to answer than ever.

We all have, at some point, a feeling that everything we’ve depended on we can’t depend on anymore. And when that happens, the only thing we have left is love,” says Oscar-winning director James L. Brooks. “You can think your life is terrible, and then he or she walks in and it’s not terrible anymore. That’s it – love is our saving grace.”

“How Do You Know” is a comedy about people in transition. Lisa's (Reese Witherspoon) athletic ability is the defining passion of her life, having been her focus since early childhood. When she is cut from her team, everything she has ever known is suddenly taken from her. George (Paul Rudd) is a straight-arrow businessman who is accused of a financial crime, even though he's done nothing wrong. Although he may be headed to jail, George's honesty, integrity, and unceasing optimism may be his only path to keeping his sanity. George and Lisa meet on the worst day of each of their lives: she has just been cut, and he has just been served. When everything else seems to be falling apart, they will discover what it means to have something wonderful happen.

Brooks says that the project began simply. “I was driving by some ball fields, soccer fields, and filled with women and girls, all ages, and I thought, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a female jock heroine. And I’m a research nut, so that started me on a year of talking to great female athletes.”

There’s maybe five minutes of softball in the movie, but it informs Lisa's whole character,” says Brooks. “I have a rule in research: the third time I hear something, it’s generally true. This time, every female athlete I spoke to said that it takes another athlete to understand how much time they have to give to their sport. They can’t go out, they can’t go to the party, because they’re playing, they’re honing their skills. It’s very hard for a man to understand that if he doesn’t share it.

Jim's voice is unique,” says producer Julie Ansell, who has been Brooks’ producing partner for 20 years. “He has insights into people - when he writes something that touches on something you’ve experienced in your own life, you think, ‘That’s it - I couldn’t have put it into words, but that’s how I felt.’ It hits you deep inside.

He writes about real people, real dilemmas they face,” shares producer Paula Weinstein. “His characters are complicated, difficult, confused, human, flawed, funny, and true. Watching his movies is like reading a great novel that you don’t want to end - you just want to stay in their world a little while more.”

No one writes dialogue the way he does,” Ansell continues. “He wants to get into his characters so deeply that sometimes we spend two years doing research, talking to hundreds of people for each character.”

Jim gets an idea for his characters, then he wants to find out what’s real, what’s true,” concludes Weinstein.

Opening soon across the Philippines, “How Do You Know” is distributed by Columbia Pictures, local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International.

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Henry Cavill is 'Superman: The Man of Steel'

Henry Cavill (The Count of Monte Cristo, Blood Creek, Stardust) is commissioned to play the role of Clark Kent/Superman in Warner Bros. Pictures' "Superman: The Man of Steel".

Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures announced that Henry Cavill has won the coveted role of Superman, the iconic superhero.

The film will be directed by Zack Snyder, who stated, "In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be a part of his return to the big screen. I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry. He is the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield."

Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder are the producers of the film. The screenplay is being written by David S. Goyer based on a story by Goyer and Nolan. Thomas Tull and Lloyd Phillips are serving as executive producers.

Cavill recently wrapped production on The Cold Light of Day and stars in the upcoming Immortals, opening this fall.

Targeted for release in December 2012, the new Superman movie will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

TV5's 'My Driver Sweet Lover' Takes Final Route

TV5's first kilig-serye My Driver Sweet Lover nears its last stop as it goes on its finale week starting January 31, Monday. More explosive revelations and heart stopping highlights are coming your way as Rocky (JC de Vera) and Gaby (Danita Paner) beat the odds for their love for each other.

Find out how far Araceli (Dina Bonnevie) will go in draining the Barrinuevo's coffers. Gaby's scheming stepmom stoops down so low even her daughter Monique (Arci Muñoz), who used to be her partner in crime, will do everything she can to stop her mother's wickedness.

The kilig cat-and-dog fight between Rocky and Gaby will go on as the hotel heiress, bit by bit, realizes that the charming driver is indeed Randy, her childhood "frenemy" back when they were housed in an orphanage.

Meanwhile, wedding bells surround the remaining episodes of the series. Check out who's finally tying to knot in the much-anticipated final episode of My Driver Sweet Lover on Friday, February 4.

Don't miss the last five episodes of My Driver Sweet Lover starting on Monday, January 31, after Wow Meganon (with daily catch-up episodes in the afternoons after Glass Castle) on TV5.

Video to Watch: Piolo Pascual Interview With Charlene Gonzales on The Buzz - January 30, 2011

Watch below Piolo Pascual's interview with Charlene Gonzales-Muhlach on the Buzz where the ultimate heartthrob admits her three-month relationship with Mega Daughter KC Concepcion.

17th Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards 2011 Winners

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) 2011 winners were announced on January 30, 2011 at the Los Angeles Shrine Exposition Center.

Check out the full list of winners below:


Best Ensemble
'Black Swan'
'The Fighter'
'The Kids Are All Right'
'The King's Speech' - winner
'The Social Network'

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
Jeff Bridges, 'True Grit'
Robert Duvall, 'Get Low'
Jesse Eisenberg, 'The Social Network'
Colin Firth, 'The King's Speech' - winner
James Franco, '127 Hours'

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
Annette Bening, 'The Kids Are All RIght'
Nicole Kidman, 'Rabbit Hole'
Jennifer Lawrence, 'Winter's Bone'
Natalie Portman, 'Black Swan' - winner
Hilary Swank, 'Conviction'

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
Christian Bale, 'The Fighter' - winner
John Hawkes, 'Winter's Bone'
Jeremy Renner, 'The Town'
Mark Ruffalo, 'The Kids Are All Right'
Geoffrey Rush, 'The King's Speech'

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role
Amy Adams, 'The Fighter'
Helena Bonham Carter, 'The King's Speech'
Mila Kunis, 'Black Swan'
Melissa Leo, 'The Fighter' - winner
Hailee Steinfeld, 'True Grit'


Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series
'Boardwalk Empire,' HBO - winner
'The Closer,' TNT
'Dexter,' Showtime
'The Good Wife,' CBS
'Mad Men,' AMC

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series
'30 Rock,' NBC
'Glee,' Fox
'Hot in Cleveland,' TV Land
'Modern Family,' ABC - winner
'The Office,' NBC

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
Steve Buscemi, 'Boardwalk Empire' - winner
Bryan Cranston, 'Breaking Bad'
Michael C. Hall, 'Dexter'
Jon Hamm, 'Mad Men',
Hugh Laurie, 'House'
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Glenn Close, 'Damages'
Mariska Hargitay, 'Law & Order: SVU'
Julianna Margulies, 'The Good Wife' - winner
Elisabeth Moss, 'Mad Men
Kyra Sedgwick, 'The Closer'

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin, '30 Rock' - winner
Ty Burrell, 'Modern Family'
Steve Carell, 'The Office'
Chris Colfer, 'Glee'
Ed O'Neill, 'Modern Family'

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series
Edie Falco, 'Nurse Jackie'
Tina Fey, '30 Rock'
Jane Lynch, 'Glee'
Sofia Vergara, 'Modern Family'
Betty White, 'Hot in Cleveland' - winner

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
John Goodman, 'You Don't Know Jack'
Al Pacino, 'You Don't Know Jack' - winner
Dennis Quaid, 'The Special Relationship'
Édgar Ramírez, 'Carlos'
Patrick Stewart, 'Macbeth (Great Performances)'

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
Claire Danes, 'Temple Grandin' - winner
Catherine O'Hara, 'Temple Grandin'
Julia Ormond, 'Temple Grandin'
Winona Ryder, 'When Love is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story'
Susan Sarandon, 'You Don't Know Jack'


Ernest Borgnine

Video to Watch: Georgina Wilson Does Her First "Sample" on Showtime

Georgina Wilson, model-socialite friend of Anne Curtis, who is now a guest judge in ABS-CBN noontime reality talent show "Showtime" does her first sample to the delight of madlang people.

Watch the video here:

Video credit: babynutzbehbeh22 on youtube

'Charice Home for Valentines' on GMA-7

Charice is currently in Manila to shoot a TV special for GMA-7 called "Charice: Home for Valentines".

The taping is scheduled today, January 31, and she is expected to perform with Ogie Alcasid, Rachelle Ann Go and Elmo Magalona.

Very excited po ako at very thankful ako. Nagpapasalamat ako sa lahat kasi lahat sinuportahan ako. Hindi porke’t gagawa ako ng TV special dito, dun na po talaga ako. It’s not like that kasi kahit papaano sa kabila rin, binigyan nila ako ng opportunity.” Charice said on this project.

Charice was supposed to shoot "Charice: Home for Christmas" on GMA-7 last year but because of her stomach flu it had to be postponed and changed to Kapuso Network’s offering this Valentine season.

"Dapat Christmas pa po 'to pero unfortunately, nagkasakit ako. May lumalabas kasi na sinadya ko raw i-cancel pero hindi naman nila alam kung ano talaga ang nangyari. Ngayon na bumalik ako, ito ang patunay na gagawin ko naman talaga," the young Pinay international singer clarified.

"Charice: Home for Valentines" will be aired this coming February 13, 2011 on GMA-7.

Will The Egyptian Revolt Lead To An Islamic Empire?

An overmatched Democratic president watches a revolution unfold, and draws all the wrong conclusions, and makes all the wrong decisions. From a brilliant yet dark piece by Abraham Miller, we go to Jimmy Carter, circa 1979:

The scene is all too reminiscent of the Iranian revolution of 1979. Then, President Jimmy Carter not only demanded restraint but also had his administration work behind the scenes to bring down the shah. Carter believed he was watching a democratic revolution unfold, one led by Mehdi Bazargan, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh and Abulhassan Banisadr. Neither Carter nor his advisers understood that this democratic-centrist revolution, like those in Europe, would be short-lived. Bazargan resigned from the government over its authoritarian turn; Ghotbzadeh was shot by a firing squad; and Banisadr fled to France...

The Egyptian people want democracy, but there are no elements or institutions in place (or even national historical precedents) to help guide them. Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum, so here comes the Muslim Brotherhood - Islamists all, friends of Iran, blood brothers of Hamas and tied tightly to Hezbollah - to fill the empty space with "leadership":

The choice in the streets of Egypt is not Mubarak or democracy. It is Mubarak or the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the Muslim Brotherhood, like the ayatollahs of Tehran, who are the best situated to benefit from and direct the revolution, unless of course the Egyptian military holds firm.

If the Brotherhood comes to power, it will behave as did its proxy in Gaza: one man, one vote, one time, with the opposition shot in the legs and thrown off rooftops.

What must Obama do? Something that really has never been done before:

Our first order of business in Egypt is to produce stability and then to do something we have not done before: Assist the Egyptians in finding a mechanism for a transition to reform through an evolutionary rather than revolutionary path.

But this is Barack Obama we are talking about, a man who speaks of "
boilers" and "Sputnik" and of welfare plans hatched in the 70's; what hope have we really for forward thinking from this man?

While one can sympathize and support the Egyptian people, a completely hands-off approach (the one Obama seems to be favoring here, as he is spending most of this crisis
partying with David Axelrod) rather than guided involvement can bring the Egyptian people and perhaps the entire Middle East to ruin. As Miller writes:

Did those who ran through the streets of Paris in July 1789 think they were revolting for the ensuing “Terror”? Did the workers who charged the Winter Palace in 1917 think they were fighting for the Gulag? Did Banisadr and Ghotbzadeh think they were replacing the shah of Iran with a theocracy?

We must be involved, actively, in urging Mubarak to transition to democracy, to set up new institutions, to cede some power immediately, and to move his nation forward. A laissez-faire approach to revolution brought us the Sandinistas and the ayatollahs (Carter's watch). More thoughtful intervention has brought us a thriving democracy in South Korea and in the Philippines (Reagan's watch). Alas, Obama, as has been is way, is following the Carter model - just witness his abandonment of the Iranian people if their "Green Revolution", so that he could continue with a scenario he felt comfort in - crawling before the mad mullahs.

What is at stake in Egypt? How about...everything?

For decades we have been dumping billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons into Egypt. A revolution means that those weapons could fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. This will tilt the balance of power in the Middle East. Emboldened by success in Egypt, radical Islam will next show its power in the Gulf and threaten the world’s oil supply. Already there are riots in Yemen.

The world as we knew it might just spin out of control....

A heavily armed Islamic axis, from Iran to Egypt to Gaza to southern Lebanon, poised to destroy Israel as their first victory, and then threaten Western Civilization from their perch atop the minarets.

Can Obama rise to this challenge?

Or are we asking a child to stop a bulldozer?

My Ping in

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