Conservatives Have Earned A Drink This New Year's...

...because the tide has turned in the battle of ideas, for the battle of the hearts and minds of Americans, and we are winning.

On this same date exactly one year ago,
I wrote the following:

Some have called 2009 an "Annus horribilis"; I beg to differ. Yes, liberal totalitarianism has taken hold in America, much as many on the right had predicted, with the rise of this nation's first charismatic ideologue. But we need this battle. The arguments against liberalism were lost, defeated by a hateful opposition to George W. Bush and a mainstream media who pounded us every day with leftist propaganda.

What we have gotten, and what we have needed to see firsthand, is how destructive liberalism is in practice. Only with having experienced it, can we be sure of its corrupt and poisonous nature. And thus to save our nation, we must rise up and defeat the Left in a battle that will be virtually unprecedented in American history.

And we have. We have taken to the streets, we have run the bad guys out of Washington with the proverbial pitchfoks and torches, and if we have not-reshaped the media, we have exposed its leftist bias clearly enough that they have been widely discredited, and even their most severe pronouncements are taken with a grain of salt (sorry, Bloomie!). As a side effect of this new view of the mainstream media, is seems as if most of what the president says is also now taken with a healthy dose of skepticism as well. Discrediting the administration's mouthpieces resulted in the discrediting of the administration itself. Unexpected but welcome.

Winning a few early battles does not guarantee winning the war; the heavy lifting may well be ahead of us as the new Congress faces the temptation of big government's incessant appetite for money and power. We are merely soldiers on an unofficial holiday truce, our guns for a moment slug onto our backs, safeties engaged. We sip warming drinks while toasting our good fortune, all while knowing that across the tree-line, the darkness still gathers, and will come blowing out to fight again as soon as the sun rises on a new year.

The struggle continues into 2011, but to date we have done well. But we must press on to ensure that are victories are permanent, and not just the fancies of a season.

I too will continue, for what minimal bit I add to the effort, out of my intellectual version of a wooden roadside shack on the dusty outskirts of the vast internet highway....

But for those who have stopped by in 2010, I offer you many thanks. This year has been this blog's best year ever in terms of links, readership, page views, and all that stuff. Month by month we have been climbing to new heights - if I were to graph it, a global warmist would turn green with envy at the never-ending "spike"...

I appreciate your readership. I appreciate your comments, for good or for ill. I am humbled by your linkage.

And I wish each and every one of you the very happiest and healthiest of New Years. May the year 2011 see your fondest dreams fulfilled. And may we work together to see that our nation - the best in the world at making dreams come to fruition - gets back on track, and returns to being once again healthy, wealthy, and wise...

I will be here to fight for that end. I hope some of you will still be too.

Happy New Year!

2011: Can We Finally Agree That Global Warming Is A Crock Of Sh*t?

I've given up praying for world peace; I'm reduced to praying that in 2011 we can all drop our ideological pretenses and freely admit the data proves that global warming simply does not exist.

Once we remove this imaginary bogeyman from around our necks and this wasteful discussion from our national discourse, perhaps we can move forward and actually devote time to some of the real-life problems (like world peace!) that are plaguing us on a daily basis....

Seriously. It's time to move on.
FOX News gives us 41 years of fear-fueled, dire, "scientific" predictions of global warming that - for all of the "credentials" of the issuing parties - turned out to be laughably false. A sampler:

Within a few years "children just aren't going to know what snow is." Snowfall will be "a very rare and exciting event." Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, interviewed by the UK Independent, March 20, 2000.

"Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000." Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1972.

"Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010." Associated Press, May 15, 1989.

"In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day, 1970

Well, there's a stench in the air, but it ain't dead fish..and it's long past time to spray some serious moral disinfectant on these lying bastards, and the media who propagate these falsehoods.

Moving more up-to-date, over at
Watts Up With That? we get a map of all the weather records set this week...for cold weather and snow:

Click here for a more interactive experience...

Perhaps the media did get one thing right in 1974, as
Time magazine stumbled upon an inconvenient truth:

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather pattern of the past several years, a growing number of scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval. However widely the weather varies from place to place and time to time, when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age.

Can't have that, though, because "global warming" lends itself to every liberal solution in search of a problem - income redistribution, war against cars, forced urbanization, and greater government regulatory control over big business. That why government spends so much taxpayer money to fund research that will give them the answers they need to tighten their grip on power.

And that's why the scientists and politicians work so hard to "hide the decline"....

For 2011, let's expose this false religion, laugh at ourselves and the Gore-esque false prophets, and dump the politicos who used this scam for their own benefit...

Is The Consumer "Back"? Ah...No.

Pop economist John Crudele of the New York Post makes a mockery over media-fueled claims that a surge in consumer spending this holiday season shows the economy is on its way back on track:

MasterCard Advisors said retail sales soared 5.5 percent this holiday season, excluding car sales. Clueless journalists gushed that "the consumer is back." Even one careful analyst on the economy cheered in his newsletter that this was the largest increase in five years amid an "orgy of consumerism."

Seriously, does anyone really think consumers went crazy this Christmas? With unemployment at 9.8 percent?

It really doesn't make sense. So I asked MasterCard Advisors whether its numbers excluded gasoline sales, which are only increasing because of an unhealthy spike in prices.

Well, no, said MasterCard, we include all retail purchases, including gasoline and food. Just like the government's Department of Commerce does!

So how much has the price of gas risen?

The Energy Department says gas prices went from a nationwide average of $2.91 a gallon in mid-November to $3.05 a gallon around Christmas time.

That's a 4.8-percent increase and indicates that a lot of this holiday's spending wasn't for the purpose of joyful gift- giving but rather went toward filling Luke's pickup.

Add in the rise in food prices - the September 2010 year-to-year increase was
1.4% and showing no signs of abating - and it doesn't seem as if the consumer is back at all. Instead, the consumer is barely treading water, forced to spend more money for basic survival staples, and thus necessitating him/her to cut back on his actual physical holiday spending - gifts and such, you know, the purchase of which actually helps create jobs - or to go even further into debt to pay for the same amount of gifts he/she bought last year.

Both options are economic poison. So the media (and the government) instead take a third tack, warping the data to make it seem that the economy is recovering, when in reality the facts point to a very different conclusion.

Unless the government now feels the fact we can even afford to pay for drastic price increases in basic necessities is a cause for celebration. Talk about defining success down...

Veena Malik Sexy Pictures Big Boss Actors Images Myspace Friendster

Veena Malik Sexy Pictures Big Boss Actors Images Myspace Friendster. Beautiful Pakistani Actress Photos, Big Boss 4 Cute Images, latest unseen Drama Queen Hot Veena Malik pictures for Myspace, Hi5, bebo, Friendster, Orkut, Tagged, PIczo, Xanga, Multiply and Websites.

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Veena Malik Topless Pictures

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Basic Grey Hopscotch

What a sweet new collection Basic Grey Hopscotch.
Remember the days when love was simple and innocent? Recall the moment you realized boys (or girls) did NOT have cooties? When all it took was passing a note with a ‘check yes or no’ question to secure everlasting love, well, at least for a week or two? BasicGrey is bringing back the days of awkwardly-thrilling first dances, butterflies in the stomach and secret crushes with the new Hopscotch line.

To see all the Basic Grey Hopscotch in the store today click here.

MMFF 2010 Fourth Day Box-Office Gross

Here is the unofficial 4th day gross of MMFF entries:

1. Ang Tanging Ina, Last Na 'To! – P13.6 million
2. Si Agimat at Si Enteng Kabisote – P12 million
3. Dalaw – P7.5 million
4. Shake Rattle & Roll XII – P3.6 million
5. RPG: Metanoia – P1.9 million
6. Rosario – P1.4 million
7. Super Inday and The Golden Bibe – P0.9 million
8. Father Jejemon – P0.6 million

2010 Metro Manila Film Festival Box-Office Gross
(December 25 - 28, 2010)

1. Si Agimat at Si Enteng Kabisote – P86.7 million
2. Ang Tanging Ina Mo, Last Na 'To! – P67.9 million
3. Dalaw – P40.6 million
4. Shake Rattle & Roll XII – P29.1 million
5. RPG: Metanoia – P15.3 million
6. Super Inday and The Golden Bibe – P10.9 million
7. Rosario – P9 million
8. Father Jejemon – P3.8 million

Obama To Sue You For NOT Hiring A Criminal?

Are these two stories connected? Oh, you betcha:

Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie was surprised to hear the president's voice on the phone. Barack Obama had two things to discuss with Lurie: the redemption of Michael Vick and the alternative-energy plans Lurie unveiled this fall for Lincoln Financial Field. I talked about the Vick story on NBC last night.

"The president wanted to talk about two things, but the first was Michael,'' Lurie told me. "He said, 'So many people who serve time never get a fair second chance. He was ... passionate about it. He said it's never a level playing field for prisoners when they get out of jail. And he was happy that we did something on such a national stage that showed our faith in giving someone a second chance after such a major downfall.''

Guess Vick must be on Obama's White House Fantasy Football team; otherwise, why would The Cool One become so "passionate"?

Unless having companies hire criminals is part of his agenda...or, better said, perhaps
forcing private companies to hire criminals is part of his agenda:

The federal agency that enforces workplace anti-discrimination laws is warning employers they could be sued if they refuse to hire blacks or Latinos because of a bad credit history or a criminal record.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week sued Kaplan Higher Education Corp., accusing the company of using “a selection criterion for hiring and discharge — namely, credit history information — that has had a significant disparate impact on black job applicants.”

The lawsuit is part of a stepped-up but controversial effort to eliminate “arbitrary barriers” to employment for minorities by the EEOC, which is governed by five commissioners, three appointed by President Obama. refusing to hire a convicted felon really that arbitrary? Will "Justice" now force people to hire criminals in order to prove they are not racist? If a company hires a honest minority applicant over a black ex-con, is that company still liable for creating "disparate impact" ? (answer: yes, based on the Kaplan lawsuit, as Kaplan has plenty of minority instructors).

If you are a honest, hard-working, fully credentialed, unemployed American applying for a job, well...Obama has now pushed a minority criminal ahead of you on line, because they are...a minority criminal, and you are not.

"Fairness", Obama-style. And they wonder why businesses refuse to hire, and that damn unemployment rate remains so stubbornly high, no matter what they try to force the private sector to do...

Holiday Magic and A day at the park

Two magical layouts by Julie Tucker-Wolek!

{Holiday Magic}

BoBunny WINTER JOY Scrapbooking Purple Pom Pom Wrap

{A day at the park}

Julie says about her layout: "I wanted to make non-holiday layouts with Bo Bunny's "Winter Joy" collection.  I also wanted to make my doily stretch throughout the page, so I cut it into four pieces and used each piece in the corners of my paper! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I also saw Tessa Buys make a banner on one her layouts wavy across one of her pages, and I LOVED that idea, and did it on mine here! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Tessa did hand stitching, and I used my Black Sharpie instead to create my 'wavy' banner across the page! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)"

I also used some of the "period" dots from the Thickers from the Dear Lizzy Enchanted line on top of my Lily Bee chipboard buttons! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Lily Bee Design CHRISTMAS TOWN Scrapbooking Paper  
Lily Bee Design CATCHING FALL Scrapbooking Chipboard Stickers
Maya Road Scrapbooking Doilie Transparency White 
BoBunny WINTER JOY Scrapbooking Paper
Lily Bee Design CATCHING FALL Scrapbooking Cardstock Stickers 
American Crafts DEAR LIZZY Christmas Scrapbooking Foam Thickers Merry Red

Obama Using Religious Rhetoric To Bolster Support For Socialism

Ah, I can almost see it....a perpetually frustrated Obama, surrounded by sycophants (aka "advisers"), wanting to know why the American people refuse to give him the adulation and support he so richly deserves for the myriad of government-created, taxpayer-funded social programs his administration has bestowed upon them.

Yes, he knows they're stupid - shoot, the New York Times tells him that every day - but what does he have to do to get through to them?

Talk to them in their own language? a tepid admirer suggests - if you can't shoot it out with a rifle in Morse Code, maybe you can find the right words in the Bible. Then you can tell them their God commands them to admire you and support your agenda!

Which brings us to:

President Obama’s trip to church Sunday followed a steady rebirth over the past three months in public expressions of his Christianity.

Obama has publicly mentioned his “Christian faith” more times in the past three months than he has over the past year. He has more frequently cited passages of the Bible, including repeated references to the spirit of Genesis 4:9 — “I am my brother’s keeper; I am my sister’s keeper” — which was a mainstay of Obama’s 2010 campaign stump speech. And he’s taken his family to church twice, a shift for a president who has preferred to worship privately since the end of the 2008 campaign.

Obama has used the reference, which was a regular feature of his on the 2008 campaign trail, in two dozen speeches since September. Before then, he’d used it just four times as president. References to his “Christian faith” also have appeared more times in Obama’s speeches since September than they did before.

There we go. You call yourself a religious man? God says you are your brother's keeper, so fork over your dough, give up your space on line to someone less worthy, and expect a two week wait for a doctor's appointment. Don't like it? Well (insert sneer here), I guess you're just not that religious after all, are you? Actually - you are not even as religious as I, Barack Obama! Sorry, sir (or ma'am) - better luck in the next world...

Nice ploy. But folks don't like to be lectured by others on how to best put their faith into practice. One might see it as...elitist, condescending, and hypocritical. Especially when one takes quite a huge book of religion and philosophy and pulls from it only the ten words - which are then repeated ad naseum - that can be twisted to support their own personal crusade. One might say...that's not very Christian.

Expect this "outreach" to fail, much like every other contrived setup Obama's coterie comes up with to make him seem like a regular guy. But don't worry, though - no matter what, it' not Obama's fault,
it's ours - at least according to this BU poli-sci professor:

One of the good things about him and one of the things I think is a problem for him politically is that he’s so intellectual,” Longman said of Obama. “And I think that at some level his approach to religion is as well.”

We just don't get him, and all he does for what point will Obama's supporters stop telling him to quote Jesus, and claim he has supplanted Him as "The Real Deal"?

Taking bets on that...I say the 2012 Democratic convention...

‘ASAP Rocks 2011′ Plug Released!

ASAP continues unprecedented supremacy and entertainment domination this 2011.

Celebrating 15 years of Global Entertainment Domination and Impressive World Class Performers, entertainment powerhouse ASAP gets bigger, bolder and brighter this 2011!

ASAP Rocks 2011 - Plug:

Kristine Hermosa -Oyo Boy Wedding in Batangas on January 12, 2011

The upcoming wedding of Kristine Hermosa and Oyo Boy Sotto is the first biggest celebrity event in 2011.

The engaged couple will marry on January 12, 2011, Oyo Boy's birthday. Details about the wedding are scarce because the 2 stars remain mum on the event. But reports has it that the wedding will take place at a lakeside resort in Batangas province.

It is going to be private and simple wedding, with invited guests not exceeding 200 people.

Vic Sotto, Oyo Boy's dad, is already excited to have more grandchildren.

"Another apo sa New Year. Depende kay Oyo Boy at Tintin (Hermosa) 'yon, kung masipag sila. (Laughs)…. I'm quite excited…. May alaga na naman sila. Oo, pangalawang apo ko, I am looking forward sa pangatlo," Vic said.

Vic's daughter, Danica, is already married and has one child.

TV5 Airs 2010 Year-End Special: ‘Balota, Barilan at Iba Pang mga Bigating Balita: Dokumentado 2010′

Luchi Cruz-Valdes leads Dokumentado's year-end special.

With the year 2010 marking the birth of the revitalized TV5, now undeniably the country's fastest-growing network that keeps introducing breakthrough programming trends in Philippine TV, the station gives a comprehensive yearend report that brings to light the most significant stories that have been etched in the nation's history.

As the year 2010 projects the most extreme stories in recent memory, News5 looks back at the biggest and most controversial news that helped shape the year in "Balota, Barilan at iba pang mga Bigating Balita: Dokumentado 2010" on December 31 at 9pm.

Led by TV5 Head of News and Information Luchi Cruz-Valdes, the yearend special report provides an in-depth discussion on the biggest and most controversial news that occurred 2010. In a rare show of force, Ms. Cruz-Valdes is joined by other News5 personalities—including Paolo Bediones, Erwin Tulfo, Martin Andanar, Raffy Tulfo, Cheryl Cosim, Cheri Mercado, Chiqui Roa–Puno, Amelyn Veloso, Shawn Yao and Jove Francisco—to document the highs and lows of the year that was for the country.

"Balota, Barilan at iba pang mga Bigating Balita: Dokumentado 2010" airs on New Year's Eve, December 31, right after LokomokoU (pre-empting Wow Meganon?! and My Driver Sweet Lover) and followed by the live news coverage and 2011 countdown of Aksyon Journalismo at 11:15pm. TV5 also airs the New Year's Mass presided by the Mama Mary Movement (pre-empting Jojo A. All the Way) at 12:15am.

‘Puso ng Pasko Artista Challenge’ Finale Airs This Friday, December 31

It's going be to Cesar Montano and Sunshine Cruz vs. Raffy Tima and Mariz Umali vs. Ervic Vijandre and Heart Evangelista in the hair-raising finale of GMA-7′s "Puso ng Pasko" Artista Challenge this Friday, Dec. 31.

The three pairs emerged as the top celebrity challengers from their respective groups – Red, Blue and Green – after a series of challenges, which range from the death-defying to the heart-warming.

Hosted by award-winning broadcast journalist Vicky Morales and Kapuso hunk Richard Gutierrez, together with challenge hosts Rhian Ramos and Drew Arellano, Puso ng Pasko Artista Challenge features 24 Kapuso stars playing in pairs as they perform the challenges to win over five million in cash and prizes for their partner family and the family's community.

Red Group members include Heart Evangelista and Ervic Vijandre; Bianca King and Aljur Abrenica; Rachel Ann Go and Kris Lawrence; and Jennica Garcia and Carl Guevarra.

Blue Group has Sunshine Dizon and Cesar Montano;Ynna Asistio and Mark Herras; Kris Bernal and Rocco Nacino; and Fabio Ide and Gwen Zamora.

The Green Group members, on the other hand, include Raffy Tima and Mariz Umali; Carla Abellana and Geoff Eigenmann; Paolo Contis and Sam Pinto; Bubbles Paraiso and Benjie Paras.

Cash and other prizes such as motorcycles, scholarships, a Kabuhayan Showcase worth P150, 000 and thousands of gifts for an entire community have all been given away in the biggest, most exciting and heart-warming way to give back to those who have given so much.

Among the partner families and communities are that of Teresa Martinez and the community of San Jose Montalban Rizal which already won P100,000 and an STI scholarship (for the partner family), and 1,000 pairs of shoes (for the partner community) through the efforts of celebrity challengers Aljur Abrenica and Bianca King; Jonathan Manaois' family and the community of Banaba, San Mateo Rizal which won P100,000 and one motorcycle (partner family), and 100 bikes (partner community) through celebrity challengers Carl Guevarra and Jennica Garcia; and Alex Jesus Bautista's family and the community of Joan of Arc, Gulod, Novaliches Quezon City which won P100,000 and P150,000-worth of Kabuhayan Showcase (partner family), and 500 half-sacks of rice (partner community) through celebrity challengers Ervic Vijandre and Heart Evangelista.

Other winners include Violeta Guevarra's family and the community of Purok 4, Zone 8, Cupang, Antipolo City which will receive P100,000 and an STI scholarship (partner family), and 1,000 pairs of shoes (partner community) through the efforts of celebrity challengers Raffy Tima and Mariz Umali; and Tess Carolino's family and the community of Talipapa, Novaliches Q.C. which will receive P100,000 and one motorcycle (partner family), and 100 bikes (partner community) through celebrity challengers Mike Tan and Sam Pinto.

The celebrity challengers selected their partner families from among hundreds of entries that comprise of the "most deserving" families–those that have done good deeds for others or their community.

Which celebrity pair will emerge to win it all for their partner family and community? Don't miss the Final Challenge on Friday, Dec. 31, after Beauty Queen on GMA Telebabad.

Republicans To Open 112th Congress By Reading The Constitution, NY Times Set To Denounce The Document...

Here's how the 112th Congress will begin (can we say "historic"?):

The Republicans are up to no good. The 112th Congress is coming to Washington DC with the Republicans in the majority, and the Right plans to stir things up. In fact, Republicans are arming for war with the ultimate ammunition, the US Constitution!

That's right - the Radical Republicans plan to open Congress by reading the Constitution on the floor of the House. Newly elected legislators are planning to drag out the source document to remind Congress what guidelines should be adhered to when imposing legislation on the American people.

Those backing the plan said the goal is to "underscore the limited-government rules the Founders imposed on Congress - and to try to bring some of those principles back into everyday legislating." Does that mean revisionist Democrats are going to have to actually listen, or will the Republicans allow conscientious objection?

The rabble rouser extremist who came up with the idea, Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va), said the proposal "stems from the debate that we've had for the last two years about things like the exercise of authority in a whole host of different areas" from the EPA to health care to cap and trade.

Godlatte said: "This Congress has been very aggressive in expanding the power of the federal government, and there's been a big backlash to that."

No offense to Congressman Goodlatte, but adherence to the letter of the law isn't exactly the Left's strong suit. Even if Democrats know what the Constitution says, the copy they prefer is the "not deeply flawed" edition. Liberals cling to a newfangled "living-breathing" Constitution, marked up and made up as they go along...

Need proof of that statement? Here's a New York Times editorial on the "repeal amendment", where they heap disdain upon the document itself by denying it's very reason for being:

...the repeal amendment...proposal is sweeping, expressing with bold simplicity the view of the Tea Party and others that the federal government’s influence is far too broad. It would give state legislatures the power to veto any federal law or regulation if two-thirds of the legislatures approved.

The chances of the proposal becoming the Constitution’s 28th Amendment are exceedingly low. But it helps explain further the anger-fueled, myth-based politics of the populist new right....

These flaws make the proposed amendment self-defeating, but they are far less significant than the mistaken vision of federalism on which it rests. Its foundation is that the United States defined in the Constitution are a set of decentralized sovereignties where personal responsibility, private property and a laissez-faire economy should reign. In this vision, the federal government is an intrusive parent.

But as any student who's done even the most elementary study into the basis of the constitutions knows, the document was laid out in a way to promote the three ethos the Times lists and derides above. That is not a mistaken vision, it is historical fact, as the founders were understandably concerned about the powers of an overeager executive branch.

The Times has created an alternate history that they desperately want to believe:

In past economic crises, populist fervor has been for expanding the power of the national government to address America’s pressing needs. Pleas for making good the nation’s commitment to equality and welfare have been as loud as those for liberty.

Really? Besides a brief spurt in the 1930's, when did the people ever demand that their liberties be exchanged for material comfort, or even claim that liberties should be sacrificed in the name of "equality"?

Methinks the Times board is simply not smart enough to actually create an alternative history of the United States. I just think they are confused, and are mixing up the American revolution with the Russian revolution, or the Sandinistas, or Che Guevara's crusade against capitalism.

Maybe, watching the 112th Congress open up with a reading of the Constitution, the editorial board of the Times will awaken and remember what nation they live in. or maybe it will drive them deeper into psychosis.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the editorial denouncing the Constitution (as read by Republicans) the day after...

Spoilers: American Idol Season 10 Top 40

Here is a partial list of the American Idol 10 Top 40 from Joe’s Place Blog and Rickey. The American Idol Top 40 are:

1. Alex Ryan

Age: 17
Glen Rock, NJ

Alex Ryan Top 40 American Idol.jpg

YouTube: Alex Ryan – Jane
Twitter: @AlexRyanMusic

2. Brett Loewenstern
Age: 17
West Palm Beach, FL

Brett Loewenstern Top 40 American Idol.jpg

YouTube: Brett Loewenstern – Imagine
Twitter: @bl1293

3. Britney ____

4. Casey Schuber
Age: 17
Toms River, NJ

Casey Schuber Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Casey Schuber Facebook
YouTube: Casey Schuber’s Channel

5. Janelle Arthur

Janelle Arthur Top 40 American Idol.jpg

YouTube: Janelle Arthur – You Taught Me Well
YouTube: Janelle Arthur’s Channel

6. Jerome Bell
Lubbock, TX

Jerome Bell Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Jerome Bell Facebook
YouTube: Jerome Bell – Tragedy on Explorer of the Seas (LOL)

7. Jessica Cunningham
Portland, ME

Jessica Cunningham Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Jessica Cunningham Facebook
YouTube: Jessica Cunningham as part of “Neopolitan” for AI9 groups

8. Jimmie Allen
Franklin, TN

Jimmie Allen Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Jimmie Allen Facebook
YouTube: Jimmie Allen on Balcony TV

9. Joe or “Joey” ________

10. Jorge Gabriel
Age: 16

Jorge Gabriel Top 40 American Idol.jpg

He was a contestant on MTV’s “Making Menudo” as JG. He didn’t make it.

Facebook: Jorge Gabriel on Facebook
YouTube: Jorge Gabriel – Making Menudo Audition

11. Jovany Barreto

Jovany Barreto Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Jovany Barreto on Facebook
Twitter: @JovanyBarreto

12. Laura Mayo

Laura Mayo Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Laura Mayo on Facebook
MySpace: Jump Start Your Heart

13. Matthew-John Suyat Jr.
Waialua, Hawaii

Matthew-John Suyat Jr.jpg

Facebook: Matthew-John Suyat Jr on Facebook
YouTube: SuyatTV

14. Paul McDonald
Age: 27
Nashville, TN

Paul McDonald Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Paul McDonald on Facebook
MySpace: Paul McDonald on MySpace

15. Scott (Scotty) McCreery
Age: 16

Went to the same high school as Clay Aiken. Scotty is an early favorite.

Scotty McCreery Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Scott McCreery on Facebook
YouTube: Scott McCreery American Idol Audition

16. Thia Megia
Age: 15
Tracy, CA

Pinay-American singer and previous America’s Got Talent finalist.

Thia Megia Top 40 American Idol.jpg

Facebook: Thia Megia on Facebook

Thia’s America’s Got Talent Audition

17. Ta-Tynisa Wilson

Ta-Tynisa Wilson Top 40 American Idol.jpg

MySpace: Ta-Tynisa Wilson – Listen
Facebook: Ta-Tynisa on Facebook

Anne Curtis Replaces Marian Rivera as SM Residences Endorser

Marian Rivera, Out! Say hello to Anne Curtis as the newest endorser of SM Development Corporation (SMDC) SM Residences condominium.

Marian whose contract ends on January 2011, was unceremoniously dropped for Anne who already signed an endorsement contract effective December 1 of this year.

The unofficial reason, according to some showbiz watchers, is that SMDC is already alarmed at the spate of bad publicity that Marian has been continuously getting - specifically questioning her character and behavior. SMDC decided to replaced her with Anne who gives a positive vibe and a more classy sophistication.

"Mandirigmang Lobo" Joins Imortal

New important and exciting characters will soon join the hit ABS-CBN fantaserye "Imortal" and they are collectively known as the "Mandirigmang Lobo"!

Mandirigmang Lobo also includes Carlos Agassi, Nikki Bacolod, Van Roxas, Fred Payawan, Gem Ramos, David Chua, Joyce So, Heidi Riego, Michael Elhag and many more.

"Most Productive Congress Ever"? Define "Productive"...

That's the phrase the media's been using to describe the 111th Congress; in a futile attempt to knock some sense into us plebes, maybe make us understand just how much the kindhearted Democratic party tried to do for us before we so cruelly ejected them like the spiteful children we so obviously are...

Let's define
productive, shall we?

- producing much: producing something abundantly and efficiently
- worthwhile: producing satisfactory or useful results
- producing something: producing or able to produce something

Now ask yourself: Does this fit the definition of productive?

The federal government has accumulated more new debt--$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.

That equals $10,429.64 in new debt for each and every one of the 308,745,538 people counted in the United States by the 2010 Census.

The total national debt of $13,858,529,371,601.09 (or $13.859 trillion), as recorded by the U.S. Treasury at the close of business on Dec. 22, now equals $44,886.57 for every man, woman and child in the United States.

Is creating debt a productive act? Short answer: no. The creation of a negative is not a productive act, it is the anthesis of one. Actually, we can fairly ask if the creation of debt is the definition of "unproductive"....


- not producing goods and services with exchange value

What services have we received of value? Not the stimulus, or health care reform (taking a good system and making it worse is not productive, unless the goal is to destroy the system), or even on foreign policy, where virtually all global situations have gone from bad to worse.

I guess the media's "out clause" here is the second definition of "productive": producing satisfactory results. In the eyes of the MSM, the radical leftist legislation passed by the 111th Congress was "satisfactory" as it was legislation they favored and supported. The results of these policies - a miserable economy, thousands of folks actually losing health insurance - are being ignored, as they would run counter to the "productive" theme. So the media looks strictly at the agenda, and deems it "historic" and of course, "productive".

While we - forced to live with the results from this misguided and subversive Congress - can fairly look at the entirety of the process, from legislation to implementation, and fairly judge the 111th as "the most unproductive Congress ever".

And in doing so, we are being more honest and realistic about the damage done by the 11th than any member of the media could dare ever be...

MMFF 2010 Third Day Box-Office Gross

Here is the unofficial 3rd day gross of MMFF entries:

1. Si Agimat at Si Enteng Kabisote - P18 million
2. Ang Tanging Ina, Last Na 'To! - P16.5 million
3. Dalaw - P9.3 million
4. Shake Rattle & Roll XII - P5.6 million
5. RPG: Metanoia - P3.5 million
6. Super Inday and The Golden Bibe - P2.2 million
7. Rosario - P2.1 million
8. Father Jejemon - P.8 million

2010 Metro Manila Film Festival Box-Office Gross
(December 25 - 27, 2010)

1. Si Agimat at Si Enteng Kabisote – P74.7 million
2. Ang Tanging Ina Mo, Last Na 'To! – P54.3 million
3. Dalaw – P33.1 million
4. Shake Rattle & Roll XII – P25.5 million
5. RPG: Metanoia – P13.4 million
6. Super Inday and The Golden Bibe – P10 million
7. Rosario – P7.6 million
8. Father Jejemon – P3.2 million

Vatican 'Belen' With 9 Pinoy Statues Unveiled!

With a Filipino Christmas carol as background music, the Vatican unveiled its Nativity scene on Friday at St. Peter's Square that for the first time ncluded nine Filipino statues.

A report on the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) website Saturday said the Filipino icons complemented the traditional figures of the Holy Family to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and the Holy See.

Filipino sculptor Kublai Ponce-Millan designed the statues "to represent different indigenous groups of the Philippines in a festive celebration of faith, music, food and family on the occasion of the birth of Jesus," the CBCP report said.

"The attractive smiling figures dressed in colorful native attire and playing musical instruments, portray the joyful spirit of Philippine Christmas which is known as the 'longest and most festive celebration in the world.'"

This was the first time that the Vatican allowed a country outside Italy to participate in the preparations for its giant Nativity scene, which occupies more than 3,200 square feet of St. Peter's Square. The event was initiated in 1982 by the late Pope John Paul II.

The oldest statues in the reproduction of the Bethlehem scene were prepared by no less than a 19th-century saint of the Catholic Church, St. Vincent Pallotti.

"Filipinos are honored as they join the hundreds of pilgrims who come to St. Peter's Square at this time of the year, to contemplate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to call all peoples into the one family of God," the CBCP report said.

Unveiling Rites

Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican Mercedes A. Tuason and Filipino community leader Josephine Bantug led Filipinos in Rome during the unveiling ceremony.

Angelo Cardinal Comastri, archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter, led the prayer service, while a Filipino Christmas carol sung by the Karilagan Filipino choir from Sentro Pilipino was a special highlight of the occasion.

At 6 pm, Pope Benedict XVI lighted a candle for peace as he watched the unveiling ceremony from the window of the papal apartments. In the darkness, he blessed the assembled crowd with the light of the single candle, the CBCP report said.

Tuason thanked the Governorate of the Vatican City State for giving the Philippines "a special place in the center of the Roman Catholic Church's celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ this year."

The gesture, according to Giovanni Cardinal Lajolo, president of the governorate, was a recognition of the Philippines' special contribution to the Catholic Church, CBCP report said.

Lajolo noted the dynamic faith of Filipino Catholics and underlined that the Philippines is the largest Christian country in Asia, the report added.


"Kanto Boys The Movie" In The Works

From their wacky performances on variety show “ASAP XV,” “Kanto Boys” are now set to invade the big screen.

The all-male group is composed of Billy Crawford, Vhong Navarro, Luis Manzano and John Lloyd Cruz.

"Baka matuloy na din ang ‘Kanto Boys’ na movie. Napagsama na nga kami sa isang commercial," Luis said, referring to their television commercial for a seasoning product.

Luis also cleared speculations that they are competing against each other.

"Walang ganoon. We have our own fortes. Siyempre walang ku-kuwestiyon kay Lloydie sa galing niya sa pag-arte. Walang ku-kuwestiyon kay Vhong bilang comedian at sa galing sa pagsayaw din. At kay Billy bilang performer,” he said, adding in jest:

At nagkataong mayroon ding isa na pinagsama na lahat."

The group performs on “ASAP XV” every Sunday.

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