Vampires : Los Muertos...a lil vampires stuff and the Avengers!

I've been searching for this movie, not because I love vampires or this movie is good ( Oops! ) BUT....Jon Bon Jovi is the lead actor in this movie!! Yes that super hunk rockstar, the vocalist from Bon Jovi.

So, guess what!? Our very own TV2 put this movie on their list yesterday! (which is kinda cool, TV2 is improving!! Ehem, they've been having lots of RDJ movie as well!!) Honestly, not really into this movie, if Jon is not in it, I dont think I will watch it either!! He's so charming in this always!!!

Jon is a part time hired killer when he's not singing in Bon Jovi. No kidding! He kills with his charming killin' smile!

So Vampires : Los Muertos is a movie all about vampire hunter who hunt for vampire!! And actually I didn't finish watching this...haha and didn't much pay attention to the storyline! (Guess I was way too focus with the lead actor...hehe!!) So they was like need to fight against a vampire leader who searching a way to make herself (yes, it's a gal vampire...) able to walk under sunlight, so they can do things better like bitting people during the days, enjoying their meat so that they wouldn't have to wait till the night.

Smokin' hot guy with killing weapons, I mean the look!!
To be honest, I think Jon is an average actor since he's a singer originally, but if he going to starred in another movie...I will spend my money on the movie just to watch him. (Uh oh!! It's time to send myself to rehab again.) They should consider taking Jon as Captain America, he's much suitable than that Chris Evans ( I still can't forget and fogive him because he's the human torchlight in Fantastic Four )!!

Jon (vampire hunter) kills Edward!!
Well, not a really good movie, quite bloody but can't satisfy from the visual effect!! And one thing, Jon kill that vampire guy, Edward!!! The hotness. This is a fact that I'm not a Twillight fans especially the Rob Pattison (He really look much like a vampire!).

Let's move forward into a totally not related stuff!!! The comic cons!!
The hulk's role is confirmed!! And it's Mark Ruffalo to take on the green guy's role. I think Edward Norton did a good job playing the hulk! Let's see what's the differences in The Avengers!!
Can Mark Ruffalo manage to handle the Hulk's role?
And here's the Avengers cast!!! I wish that Jon Favreau is the director...but come what may. Guess it wouldn't be a bad movie if RDJ is in it.

The Avengers cast!!

Okay, can't wait for it ald!! The Avengers gonna hit the cinema around 2012!! Let's see how the Marvel superheroes save the earth. (Woops, are they purposely set it at 2012?) Tron Legacy and Green Lantern (DC comic's movie...) is coming soon!!
(PS : The comic con is awesome! Wish I was there!! )

Blog Hopping

Hi there y'all. I know I've been out of circulation a bit- if your baby was as cute as mine, you probably would be too! But she's a bit older now and I am slowly but surely being drawn(ha ha, get the pun?) back into the art teacher blog world. It has grown while I was gone and I have been finding some amazing new blogs with oodles of new creative inspirations for my kiddos this fall. I have also been humbled as I find links to this site on quite a lot of them. So if you have a link to this site on your blog and I don't have you in my blogroll yet, would you drop me a comment and let me know you're out there? I anxiously await the opportunity to steal, oops make that SHARE all your wonderful ideas. Even if you don't have a link to me, let me know and I'll add you to my blogroll anyway!

I'll just take this opportunity to update everyone on the precious princess Emberjayne whose image is gracing this post. I have the great honor of saying she will be completely off oh the antiseizure medication as of August 2nd. Currently she is down to only one dose (from two) per day. We are already seeing quite a change in her personality. She is babbling more and is just a lot more alert. She has been on the meds since she was 3 days old so we never knew what the difference might be. Phenobarbital is a central nervous system depressant so babies who have to take can be delayed as a side effect. She was hitting her milestones pretty well(not early but sort of in the middle of the timetable) so we weren't too concerned. It will be very fun to see what happens now though and maybe get to meet our real daughter for the first time very soon!

On another note, I hope to have some new lessons up here pretty soon. Leo's Helios will be up first!

Sea Witch on mini adventure

I'm off to Boston to spend the weekend with my honey who is traveling around New England visiting old school friends.  Ahh, the joys of being retired. 

 He is going to take me to the New Bedford Whaling Museum...I cannot wait.

Will take lots of photos and I understand there is marvelous scrimshaw work at this venue.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone and blessings to you and those you love.  Sea Witch

What you waiting for.

Recently, this song been playing in my mind over and over again after I listened to it once. After I go and figure out, this song is by Mizz Nina and Colby O Donis!

Who's Mizz Nina? She's from Hip hop group Teh Tarik crew which is from our very own Malaysia!! This song has a really nice rhythm and beats!!

I love the line :''Hey sexy gal from kuala la la lumpur~~"
Check this song out!!!

What you waiting for, by Mizz Nina and Colby O Donis!!

But not really confortable with the whole torchlight thingy!! Should have done a better one!!

Sitting Under the Klimt Tree

This past week we learned about Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. If you know Klimt's work, you may think that not an appropriate choice for a kids class. For the most part, I would agree, but he does have several family friendly pieces and his contribution to the art world is still significant. Not to mention he is one of my favorite artists. Though his life was not one we Christians can admire for his high morals, he had few, his work is still exceptionally beautiful. He used a lot of gold in his paintings, being the son of an engraver helped him to become an expert at the gold leaf process.
For this project you will need examples of Klimt's work. is a good resource. There is even a children's book called Klimt and His Cat by Berenice Capatti and illustrated by Octavia Monaco.

The narrator is the cat and Klimt's world is seen through its eyes. It is in no way a complete biography but it is a kid-friendly way to introduce this particularly controversial artist. There is some nudity in the book, so be prepared. I take no shame in my censorship and placed post it notes over questionable images. I also did not let kids view the book on their own so they could not "peek".

Materials needed:
Print or photo of Gustav Klimt's "The tree of life".

Metallic gel markers (we used Prang, purchased at WalMart)
Black or other dark toned paper (pastel paper would be good, but I used scrapbook paper)
oil pastels(brown and black)

1. Have kids decide whether their composition will be vertical or horizontal.

2. Once they decide this then they should find the middle of their page on the bottom edge. Just to the left of this have them draw a curved line with a metallic gold or silver marker that starts at the bottom edge of the page and ends in a spiral. Have them move to the right a bit and repeat this curve in the opposite direction, still ending in a spiral.

3. In the middle of these two curves they should draw a "V" shape. This will create a tree trunk.

4. Now the kids get to make their tree grow. Continue to have them add spiral branches, some growing from the first spirals moving outward and some moving upward until they have just about filled the page. Encourage kids to make some spirals larger and some smaller, some going right and some left. Hopefully they will leave some room though as there are lots more details to add.

(note)There is a lot of detail to this project, so younger kids or ones who aren't into art that much may benefit from breaking this project up into 2 or 3 shorter sessions instead of one long one.

5.Have the kids fill in the tree trunk and then thicken some of the branches on the curves only. The actual spirals probably won't need to be thickened.

6. At this point the kids should add a horizon line. Have them draw a line from the right side of the trunk to the edge of the page and repeat on the left.

7. At this point have them draw in pink and purple flowers with green stems. They may add as many or as few as they like and they should be on the ground and in the tree.

8. Next they will add green triangles, stars(any color), circles, and dots. All these shapes look better when they are done in a grouping and not just by themselves randomly scattered. The dots especially look nice if they follow along the edges of the spirals. Then have them add green and blue swirls on the ground in between the flowers. Encourage variety in sizes, making some bigger and some smaller.

9. At this point have the kids start putting black and brown rectangles on the tree trunk and thicker branches of the tree. They can also add some gold or silver rectangles here depending on whether they started with gold or silver. Again encourage variety in the rectangle pattern. Some should be vertical, some horizontal, some filled in, some empty. The cloak of the male figure in Klimt's "The Kiss" is a good example of this.

When all is said and done these pieces are beautiful and very dramatic especially if mounted on lighter paper and then on black.

This was the example I made.

This is from an 8 year old student.

This was from a 6 year old student.

This was from an 11 year old student.

This was from a 5 year old student.

New booth is open!

What a long weekend of work this was, but, I have to shamelessly confess...I LOVED IT.  Have been working on princess dresses for my 5-cheese ravioli.  On one of her phone calls, she requested a Musketeer gown/outfit and then a crystal gown like Eloise at the Plaza.  So off to the fabrics store I go and bring home some faboosh tulle covered in glitter.  Luckily, my honey is traveling up north or he would be covered in pink and holigram glitter like the dog. Poor Kota, the squirrels usually laugh at him, now they want to date him because his nose and fur are covered in glitter.   Once I complete her outfits, I will snap photos and post them for you. They are turning out adorable.

Of course, my big chore this weekend was getting my second booth up and running and then transfering items from the rented case to my own in the first booth.  I managed to get everything priced and staged and then, like a mad woman...emptied out my rental case and set up my personal case in the other booth.  My dogs are killing me and I really should go get a massage after standing on the concrete floors all day, but I love the progress I made and the look of the second booth so I'll just have to put my feet up for the rest of the evening. (yea. like that will happen)  (photos enlarge when you click on them)

 The first glimpse of my Victorian booth when you come down from the main counter. I so prefer the gallery look over my other packed to the max booth.  I hope others will like it too.

The lovely Edwardian afternoon gown.  This is such a showstopper. 

Better photo of the gown.  I wish you could see the silk gauze details and the pretty ikat ribbons. The velvet ribbons are a rich purple.

I picked up this jewel of a chalk, art nouveau angel statue on Saturday.  I got her for practically nothing so I'm passing it on to the customer.  She is priced at only $42.00.

Also picked up this terrific Flapper era china cabinet with deep, linen drawer.  Pretty walnut veneer with ebony trim and gold leaf details.  Only needed a good oil and beeswax conditioning and the walnut patina was glorious.

Behind the china cabinet I hung a museum quality, silk Victorian quilt in as near perfect condition as I have ever come across.  Superb stitching by a very accomplished needlewoman.

Closer shot of the Roman Stripe pieced silk quilt and a marvelous Gone with the Wind oil lamp with "The Pharaoh's Horses" transferware around it.

Eastlake walnut parlor table is under the pretty Moorish influence parlor cloth. 

EAPG goblets from the 1860s and a wonderful mid Victorian etched Gin Decanter.   Lucky jade grapes.

Shot is a little blurry as my battery was running low and I was snapping photos faster then the camera could process.  This is a terrific Edwardian big hat full of curly ostrisch feathers.  Very wearable and in excellent condition.

Sweet little Gothic style walnut shelf displaying Cupid Awake.

Picked up the pair of Victorian hand colored prints in Eastlake frames this weekend. 
The hand colored floral prints are fantastic.  Circa 1870s

This Victorian nursing rocker looks happier in the Victorian booth. 

I'm really pleased with the way the Victorian booth looks.  I kept it minimal so it would look like a parlor rather than a booth filled with items. I have always preferred this way to display. 

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and wishing you all a pleasant week.  Blessings to you and those you love.  Sea Witch

Cyril : Beyond Imagination 2010

"This is just the beginning"

After Cyril bring us magic tv show, Cyril : Simply Magic last year (Great show! Only that never ever watch it with your little cousin, coz you might end up with tons of question like : Why's like that? How he do that? =_='' Deep down I was like : "How I know?" But of course I gave a better answer : It's simply magic!!), Cyril now is coming back with a magic show (watch live magic!! Any telecast? ) and this time, it is held in Hong Kong!

It's Cyril : Beyond Imagination!! (Is it available in 3D? Okay not funny!)

The red is kinda punk huh?

There are only 3 show in Hong Kong and it is a 2 hours magic show! (*Jealous* Feel like wanna gives a Tamama IMPACTO!!)

Okay, since last time Cyril did come to Malaysia for Cyril : Simply Magic, it's a tie...(But where the heck I'm during that time!!) It's not important!! Sad news is the ticket is....SOLD OUT which actually should be a good news!!! But who knows? This is only the beginning !! (copyright from Cyril) Maybe Cyril would add a few more shows for the people in Hong Kong!!(ehem, I'm just saying that, not sure whether he will add another shows.)

Magician always love to surprise the audience!

By the way, rumors saying that there will be Cyril : Simply Magic Season 2!!! And rumors always turn out to be the truth!! So, guess we will be watching Cyril : Simply Magic 2 on AXN maybe next year? Hopefully!

Cyril : Simply Magic 2?

About live magic show, I think I've only watch twice in my life! But I was too young, so I cant really remember who I'm watching. I only remember that first one was in Genting, the magician was doing something related to a small plane. The second one was in Korea, the only thing that I remember is that the magician's ending, where he makes lots of doves appear, then he was like let go each of them and in the end there was like snowflakes coming down from the ceiling. Well, I would like to go for another live magic show and most probably will be Cyril's show! (Only if he decide to have one in Malaysia.)

(PS : Enjoy the show people!! Lei Dei Zao Hou La, Yao Dak Tei Cyril Gek Mo Sut!! (Direct translate to cantonese!!!))

Despicable Me review

Despicable Me!!! Cool!!

Not a Pixar animation, BUT.....don't underestimate them, because it's a Illumination Entertainment's animation!!!

I think this animation is kinda cool! Funny as well. The most attractive stuff about this movie is that It's FREAKIN' CUTE!!!

Let's make the overview short and clear :

He's the villain, the bad guys....that you'll definately LOVE him !!! He's so badass that in a kinda cool way, love his stealing on the Statue of Liberty and Eifel Tower...ehem, he steal the smaller version available in Vegas.

Coolest villain?

He's soft-hearted too!!

The three little girls!!!
Margo, Edith and Agnes!!!!
They are so CUTE!!!! Especially Agnes~~~~It's so FLUFFY!!!! I wish they will have focus more on this three little girls.

The Minions!!
The minions are hilarious. Love them acting silly and their body language is really funny. I would like to learn their language "Bah Boy Bah Boy !!!"


Each of them have a name!!! And they can USED as fluorescent light too, that's way too cool!
The Music!!!
By my favourite Hans Zimmer! That's why it sounds so cool!! The soundtrack is considerable. Wilhem Scream is used in this animation. Try to check it out which part is it!
I think this animation is really cool! I like it so much! And I'm kinda shocked that Russell Brand actually don't sound like Russell Brand in it. I would like to have an U-NI-CORN!!! It's so FLUFFY!!!
(PS : Saw Megamind's trailer in the cinema.....Jeez, Brad Pitt's role originally should be voiced by RDJ!! The villain in Megamind is kinda cool too, so nowadays villain in an animation is much cooler compared to the past, they're cute too! By the way, can't wait for Rango!!)

Just a lil' night life in KL!!!

I'm officially back in KL!!!

This is the evidence!!!

See the KLCC and KL tower....???

So I went to cruising around like a tourist after been apart from this lovely city for around two months. And I'm kinda surprise to see that Bintang Walk is still as HOT as usual eventhough it's thursday night!! (I'm a Malaysian~~~)

Actually I was going for a Wanton mee hunting at the night for that time, so I went to somewhere near Jalan Alor there~~~(Just FYI, the wanton mee is by roadside, and it's business hours start from 10 pm, joking, it's 10 pm!! But it taste really nice~)

However, I turn out checking around those pub and bar near Jalan Tungkat Tung Shin~~

The Hulk bar??

It's kinda relax to stop and park your car to walk along the road....

People's everywhere!!

You should go and check out the street over here!!!

However, the Wanton mee store is gone~~~after cruising for 2 hours here and there!!!
End up eating Dim Sum 1am IN THE MORNING!? Ehem, should be midnight!!
Well just ma ma desu for the Dim Sum. (Ma ma desu aka okay okay~got nothing to do with Mama!)
The next day went to Soho Solaris and Mont Kiara!!
And get to try the Mr.Siew Pau's Siew Pau at Mont Kiara!!!

The Hulk tart (Green tea..), Curry SP, Mushroom SP and Siew Pau, original flavor!!
That tart dont taste like a Siew Pau...(Okay it's a Siew Pau store, you dont expect much for a tart that PRODUCED by a Siew Pau store, get what I mean?) The Curry and Mushroom is average!! But the origin Siew Siew Pau!!! Okay, it taste really nice!! Very juicy~~~
After that went to SoHo Solaris!! Argh, I dont know Tenji Buffet Restaurant is there!!! Should give it a try next time!!
The view from SoHo Solaris!!!
That's all for my days!!! Tired~
Before that, like to share some pix I taken while I coming back by train~

Nice view...or nice photo shooting technique?

Some Kampung house~

Our signature palm oil farm!!!

That's all!!! The end.
(PS : Going for Despicable Me tomorrow!!! It's so FLUFFY!!!! Can't wait for that!!)

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