Fantastic Giveaway - you must enter

Miss Rebecca Ersfeld for Vintage Living has a fantastic giveaway to announce the opening of her new blog shop. 

Rebecca's work is lovely and she offers some of her best pieces along with wonderful antique treasuers...I'm crazy about the lace making stand with the bobbins still attached.

Her giveaway if for a fabric collage using your family pictures like the one below.

In addition, she will also give away a Where Women Create mag.

It doesn't get better then this so click on over to her blog and enter.  Have a wonderful weekend.  Sea Witch

Can't decide, need assistance!

I'ma gal who almost always knows exactly what she wants or what she is gonna do next.  Rarely do I second guess a decision or have to think about a choice...I just know what I want or like and embrace it.  However, every once in a while (must be the full moon from yesterday that has me in a color choice quandry) I need a little insight from creative folks.  I need your opinion with a color makeover for a faboosh vintage sunburst wall clock that I found.  It runs beautifully, but has a good bit of metallic detoriation on the metal spokes. 

Once this happens, you really must steel wool it away and put a primer/paint on it to stop the continued rust and decay.  Normally I paint these either diner pink or diner aqua...but I came across a couple of spray paint cans in this glorious light, lime green that I am jonesing to use.  So here is where I need your help...should I use the really cool lime green or stick to the diner pink or aqua? 

Lime green which would be perfect for a sunny yellow room or retro den, would look great against the black clock face...and, and, and you rarely see this color used...which is another reason why I am leaning towards the lime green.


Diner pink...a color you can never miss with. 


Diner aqua...another color you can't miss with.

So there, can you not see my color quandry?  So please leave your color choice as a comment and help this sea witch figure out which color to use.  I will post the repainted photo next week.

Now, as long as we are talking color, how great are these spring petunias?  I am crazy about this magenta. (you probably recognize that I moved the petunias to put the clock up and snap a photo of it for today's post.)

Petunias are back on the stacking benches at my entrance where they belong.  Have a glorious day everyone.  Sea Witch

White Shell Wednesday

I like Sand Dollars. I like the way they look in their natural state and I like how smooth and detailed they are in their sun bleached state. I like that I can see a lily, a poinsettia, and a star on them and you can find doves hiding inside them. 

Keyhole Sand Dollar (dead) - all photos enlarge

Live Sand Dollar

I like that you can find them easily by pushing your toes through soft sand and slowly lifting them up to see them in either their natural (hairy) like state or smooth and white.  I like that they can be found in the size of a nickel up to a salad plate.  The name "sand dollar" comes from its the shape of its body which takes on a large, coin-like appearanceCommonly called a shell, the Sand Dollar is actually an echinoderm which means "spiny skinned" in Greek. A  marine invertebrate that lives in the sandy bottoms of sheltered bays and open coastal areas.  The starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber and sand dollar are examples of the over 6000 species of echinoderms in our planet's salt waters.

Native to Florida and other areas of the world, Sand Dollars are actually the skeleton of several species of Sea Urchins.   Sand Dollars are common to the southeastern U.S., Australian and Caribbean seas and are usually found on sandy bottoms in shallow water. The typical shell is flat, circular and about 3 inches in diameter.  There are 12 different types of sand dollars and among those most well known are the Flat Round or common sand dollar, the Arrowhead, Pankcake, Keyhole (above) and the Sea Biscuit sand dollar

Common or Flat Round Sand Dollar

Arrowhead Sand Dollar

Pancake Sand Dollar
Sea Biscuit Sand Dollar

On the ocean bottom, sand dollars are frequently found together.

This is due in part to their preference for soft bottom areas, which are convenient for their reproduction. The sexes are separate and, as with most echinoids, they are conceived by external fertilization. Live sand dollars can be greenish, bluish or purple. Their highly modified spines and podia give them a velvet-like texture and appearance.  The spines on the somewhat flattened underside of the animal allow it to burrow or to slowly creep through the sediment.   As you can see in this video, they are a very slow moving creature.

Fine, hair-like cilia cover the tiny spines. Food grooves move food to the mouth opening, which is in the center of the star-shaped grooves on the underside of the animal . Its food consists of crustacean larvae, small copepods, diatoms, algae and detritus.  Inside a sand dollar shell are five teeth, which are useful for scraping plankton from rocks. The teeth, which are found when the shell is broken open, are called 'doves' because they look like tiny white doves.

Greatly enlarged doves or teeth.

The Sand Dollar shares a unique relationship to Christians who have found symbols in the form and appearance of the keyhole Sand Dollar. They call it the “Holy Ghost Shell” because the markings on the shell symbolize the Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. On top of the shell, an outline of the Easter Lily is clearly seen. At the center of the Lily a five pointed Star representing the Guiding Star of Bethlehem that led the Wise Men. The five narrow openings are representative of the four nail holes and the spear wound made in the body of Christ during the Crucifixion.  Reversing the shell you will easily recognize the outline of the Poinsettia, the Christmas flower, and also the Bell. When broken, inside the shell are five little birds called the Doves of Peace.

There is something magical about the Sand Dollar.  It is light and delicate and yet manages to survive storms, predators and man stepping all over them in the watery shallows.  When living, they have the appearance of velvet and when reduced to the skeletal structure they become pure white talismans of all sizes.  I have collected them for years (always the dead ones found along the beach, never the live specimens) and utilized them in my wedding invitation as shown below.

Have a beautiful white shell wednesday and blessings to you and all you love. Sea Witch

The Day After Tomorrow review

I watch this flick few years ago in cinema....(but that time blogging is not in my world yet.)
And today caught this movie on tv, I think that this movie should be in my blog since it gives such a great impact.

Yes, it's the day after tomorrow.....

Another Roland Emmerich's movie. But honestly, for me.....I think that this one is way better than 2012. Love the flow of storyline, the disaster, the touching part.....2012 is a bit more to "heavyweight" kind of disaster related movie.

This movie starred by Dennis Squaid (I start to love this man, the movie he's in is kinda cool, I mean so far so good.), Jake Gyllenhaal and Sala Ward. Well, Dennis is a climate scientist, or something like that where he made a forecast model which turn to be truth that the climate change is related to his model.(That's why he is the main character....=_='') His son, played by Jake.G is a student ( Man, prince of persia looks so young in this movie. ) and while the climate change turn worst, he is trapped in New York which is far apart from his dad.

I love how the director arrange the flow of this movie. From the part Jake.G trapped, his dad go and save him, and on and on.....I love the part in where the tornado hit Hollywood....(NO!!!! They crash the Hollywood sign.) What i trying to say is that, the appearance of a few tornado together in LA, the scene is so great....Can you imagine yourself in the middle of LA and 4 to 5 tornado surround you??? And the part where the flood hit New York city.

The scene they burn the books to keep warm is funny too because at first they was like :"NO! we can't burn the books, that is our cultures and knowledge..." If I was there, I was like throwing all the maths books into the fireplace, burn all of them, they shouldn't exist!!! (Ehem, sorry, get a little too excited and out of topic...) The 3 scientist in this movie is very.....sigh. Till the end of the day, they trapped in the lab and still helping the people to find out the solution for this climate change. SALUTE!!! One of them is Manchester's fans ( Which is totally no relation, just mention it). And there's a soldier in this movie name Cyril......(Again, totally no relation at all....)

The ice storm is really frightening. If you didn't got the chance to get into building or even you get in the buildings, you'll be freeze by the storm. I love one part where Dennis's friend ask him whether will them survive. He answer human survive once through Ice Age and of course they will survive for the second time, only that will they learn from the mistakes. Yes, actually this is so true. I found out that many people tends to realize the end of the world after they watch 2012. Or I wonder have you guys watch a docu, the name is something like 6 degree could change the world ? People after watching it was like, oh it's going to ve the end of the world, doomsday.....NO!!!!! Don't you guys get what it trying to tell us? It's global warming.

I think the documentary tell us clearly, what they expect or predict to be happen maybe 40 or 50 years later is actually happening now. Because of global warming...some of them might say it's too late to save our earth, but it's better than we don't even try. I mean we never learn from our mistakes. Human should learn from the mistakes. There're been so many natural disaster happening around, almost earthquake everyday, tornado is start having "cameo", and the volcano eruption. Our earth is changing, like the docu said. So act now before it's too late.

Back to the topic, this movie is great, from independance day to the day after tomorrow and 2012....What else you got, Roland!!! Keep it coming, he say he won't do it again, but in the end, he will still do it....disaster related movie. haha.

(PS : The Losers looks greats....gotta check it out!!! Okay tomorrow is officially iron Man 2 release date!!!)

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Dutch Monkey Donuts - Weekend Treasure

At 6:00 am on Saturday morning,the lightning and pouring rain woke the dog and I.  My honey was still in Colorado and expected to fly in later that night and my plans to hit a few spring yard sales was dashed so sis and I reworked the day.  Sis had heard about this family owned donut shop called Dutch Monkey Donuts located in Cumming, Georgia.  From there we would head out to the Magnolia Antique Mall nearby.  With google maps in hand, we drove through the pouring rain and in to the parking lot for Dutch Monkey. We could smell the fresh roasted coffee in the parking lot and entered the packed shop.

Adorable little logo.

The front counter was filled with freshly made donuts.

More delectable offerings.  All made with fresh ingredients like cream, butter, flour and sugar. No preservatives here.

That bucket of butter is the foundation for any quality baked good.

Donuts rising before being tossed into the hot fat.

One of the dutch monkey staff preparing the dough.

Wall menu changes daily.  These are some of Saturday's offerings.

Adorable little girl in a kicky spring hat watches the staff make donuts.

Sis had a peanut butter creme donut and I had a black raspberry donut.  Excellent. This was a great way to start the rainy day road trip and following a tasty donut and hot coffee we grabbed the other google map and went looking for the Magnolia Antique Mall.  According to the map it was about 8 miles from Dutch Monkey Donuts.  We drove and drove and could not find it.  Their website said specifically it was beside the Goodwill Store. Well, we found the huge Goodwill but no Magnolia Antique Mall. Apparently, it closed but their website is still up.  (this is a personal pet peeve of mine...websites for business'es that no longer exsist.  I so wish people would remember to remove these sites when the close down)  So we decided to schlep through the Goodwill instead.

A few of the treasures I did find at the Goodwill.  Yelloware dog dishes. These are great for keeping the water cool during the summer and have a lovely farm home look to them.  A pair of geode or "thunder egg" bookends, a lovely heart quilt piece that I will frame, and two bushel baskets and about a dozen of the prettiest and largest faux grapes I had ever seen.  These will look lovely as a display and would look wonderful in a Tuscan kitchen.

Really neat retro rattan ice bucket from the 1970s, 5 pretty decorator copper clad and mirror balls, and a sweet little pewter child's cup.

The find of the day.  A terrific vintage faux leopard jacket. Very 1960s. 
Excellent condition. Goodwill offered up a few nifty things so sis and I head back home.

Cleaned and priced all of the goodwill items and added to those the pair of Catholic altar cloths I purchased at the street market in Vincenza, Italy in March.  I love red on white embroidery and was delighted to find vintage linens at the open market.  These sweet little altar cloths are beautifully embrodiered with lace along the edges. I will take these to the shop on Sunday.

Spent a few hours on Sunday arranging my latest acquisitions when I sell my white display cabinet.  That means I have to redo my entire space and bring in another large piece next week.  Yippee!

Vintage textiles and prints.

That magnificent jacket next to the white display case that sold. 

I adore this pretty little vintage stole.  Would be perfect for prom.

I put spun aluminum contact paper on the back of the black doors of the case that I am renting. Love the new look as it brings in and reflects the light all round the case.    Everything just looks brighter.  So all in all it was a lovely weekend.  Wishing everyone a pleasant week.  Sea Witch

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