Happy Holidays

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The holidays are usually a busy time for us. We have quite a lot of family members who are somewhat nearby, but do require a bit of a drive to see. So for us, the holidays mean time in the car. It is all worth it though. I get to see the family that I really love to be around and wish I could see more often. We also get to have special time with people we see frequently. We did miss some people this year. My brother-in-law was in Korea, so we missed out on seeing him, his wife, and our nephews and niece. The holidays really aren't the same when the little ones aren't there. The good news is that because we didn't see them at Thanksgiving, we will probably see them at Christmas. We don't often get to do that.
The picture I posted here was from my cousin's house. We don't get a group family shot too often, since I am usually the one taking the pictures. The kids are getting so big. Jenna is already slightly taller then me and the boys will catch up soon. Time marches on entirely too fast for my liking.
Holidays are bittersweet as well. They are a time when we also remember the loved ones who can't be with us anymore. The ones who have truly gone home for Christmas before us. I have been through one round of holidays without my mom. The second round is not easier, but as time marches on I hear the pounding footsteps with less intensity. I concentrate on the ones who are still here to make memories with. Thanksgiving and Christmas always come with hope as the old passes away and the new year looms on with possibilities and opportunities. Christmas stands out in our minds for that very reason, it is the day we celebrate when our greatest hope was born.

The other classrooms always cooler...

I know that as home schoolers we are always interested in what other home schoolers do. How they handle schedule, curriculums, discipline, incentives, etc. I also know we are intensely interested in each others actual classroom setups. At least I am. So I thought I'd give you all a little tour of my dining room/ home school room/ art class room. As the sign says, welcome...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This is my entryway.

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This is my fall themed bulletin board in my window, because I do not have any more room on my walls for a bulletin board.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThis is where I write stuff when I need to. There is a chalk board, a white board, and a cork board. You can see the leftovers of my last art lesson.

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As you can see, I am big on posters. Ryan cam to me one day when he was still four and said, "Mommy, three plus three is six." He had been studying one of my wall charts on his own.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHere is our big calendar. the kids change the date for me everyday. There are little inserts that go over the number to show yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Sometimes they fight over who gets to change the date.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHere is our requisite classroom flag. You can also see part of our library, more posters, and our school days counter.

I hope you have enjoyed the tour. I will feel extremely blessed if it gave you any ideas. Someday I may have a dedicated room just for school, but for now both I and the rooms in my house are into multitasking.

What the future may hold...

So we go to the library today, and as we usually do, we check out almost the limit of two library cards. Some may call that imprudent, but if we do not do this, then two days later I am hearing the mournful lamentations of children over their lack of reading material. That being said, I found a book in the science section about how to do science experiments with toy cars and trucks. Ding, ding, ding, went my "Ryan will love this" alarm. Those of you who know Ryan just heard that alarm as soon as I described the book too. Not five minutes after we get home, he has the book out and has set up his own ramp to begin conducting experiments like those pictured in the book. Can anyone say future engineer?

What am I doing here...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHi Everyone,
This is a place for those of you who want to know more about me, my family and what I do, but are not thrilled with having to join myspace in order to read my blogs. In this blog I will discuss my art classes, homeschool, family life, and whatever happens to pop into my little miniscule brain.
Forgive any grammar or spelling issues as this site does offer spell or grammar check. I will post as many photos as I can, but it requires slightly more effort to post them here as it does on myspace.
So welcome all to Miss Julie's Place.

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